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New migrants face deportation

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is considering deporting four Fiji Indians who gained residence on the basis of bogus job offers.

The instigators of the offending, Ravina Singh (31) and her husband Alvin Singh (32) of Mangere, were sentenced on December 15, 2011 by the Auckland District Court respectively to 11 months’ and five months home detention.

Ravina Singh had admitted 30 charges relating to providing false immigration information with respect to seven individuals, aiding unlawful entry into New Zealand, forgery and providing immigration advice when not licensed to do so.

Alvin Singh had admitted two charges of providing false information and one of forgery.

INZ General Manager Steve Stuart said the couple had gained residence in New Zealand after presenting job offers they had fabricated for themselves.

Visa applications included the use of forged stamps in the name of genuine Justices of the Peace.

Ravina Singh subsequently used her residence status to bring her parents into the country with false job offers, from which they later gained residence.

An attempt to bring in her brother was thwarted. She also gave paid immigration advice to various people when not licensed to do so.

“The bogus jobs were well-planned deceit carried out over several years. We do not tolerate cheating so we are now reviewing the immigration status of these four people with a view to deportation,” Mr Stuart said.

He said up to 50,000 foreign nationals legitimately obtain residence in New Zealand each year and that INZ had a duty to protect the interests of those following proper process.

“Anyone who subverts that process will face the consequences which include becoming liable for deportation. Such dishonesty strikes at the integrity of our immigration system and will be punished,” Mr Stuart said.

Immigration New Zealand Press Release

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