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New electric trains get on track in Auckland

Len Brown – 

I hail the roll out of electric trains across the Auckland rail network (on July 20, 2015) as the start of a revolutionary era for public transport.

It is time for Aucklanders to get on board and I know that they will do so.

Since electric trains were introduced on parts of the network, there has been an average increase in patronage of 20% to 30%.

I predict the Western lines will see an even bigger uptake.

Significant growth

Auckland’s rail patronage has grown by 22% in the last financial year.

The roll out saw new, comfortable, quieter and reliable trains operating for the first time on weekdays on the Western line. This doubles train capacity means that the new Spanish-built electric trains are now operating all services from Papakura in the south to Swanson in the west.

The project was originally funded through a government loan, being repaid by Auckland Council and the New Zealand Transport Agency.

Working relationship

This is an example of working with the government on major transport issues.

Auckland Council is now partnering with the government to develop a transport accord to take the final steps towards a common view of Auckland’s transport future.

With work also starting on the City Rail Link (CRL) early next year, Auckland’s public transport is being dramatically reshaped to help take congestion off the road, which is Aucklanders’ number one priority.

The expected increase in patronage would encourage completion of CRL as soon as possible.

We must heed the warning that there will soon be serious congestion issues at Britomart in terms of the number of trains and passengers waiting to board them.

Such a big change today will inevitably mean there will be some teething issues.

I appeal to the travelling public to be patient as the new trains and minor changes made to timetables are properly aligned.

The trains are also much quieter than the old diesel trains and accelerate faster so Aucklanders are also asked to be extra cautious when using railway crossings.

Len Brown is Mayor of Auckland. He is seen here travelling in a new electric train.

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