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New Centre to motivate Molituva women

Fijian women have an additional opportunity to acquire greater knowledge and training and become economically more active with the opening of a new Centre.

The Molituva Women Centre in Tailevu, which was opened by Social Welfare, Women & Poverty Alleviation Dr Jiko Luveni on July 9, 2014, will reportedly enable women to ‘achieve great things to women and their families.”

She said that the Centre demonstrated the vision of the Bainimarama Government to invest in the potential of rural women across the country.

Funded by the Department of Women, the new facility is expected to boost the income of the Molituva Women’s Group accessed by about 70 women in Molituva.

Good potential

Dr Tailevu said that the new Centre recognised the dedication and hard work of the Molituva women

“The Bainimarama government recognises that women have great economic potential and provides them equal opportunity of equal participation in economic development through capital projects such as women centres. This Centre will enable women to work closely with the Department of Women to access information and training on capacity-building and leadership development,” she said.

“This Centre is just the beginning to many more opportunities to be created in your community and I hope that you will make maximum utilization of this new facility to plan and achieve greater things for your families,” she said.

Molituva Women’s Group President Vilisi Raviakara said that Molituva women are talented in handicrafts, which forms the basis of their income.

The Turaga-ni-Koro (Village Head) Tikiko Raviakara said that the Centre will help his people to move out of poverty.

“There are 154 people in Molituva and women are the backbone of this community. We are glad that the Bainimarama Government is the first to initiate a development of this nature to benefit the Molituva villagers,” he said.

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