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New academics strengthen marketing

Massey University has appointed three new professors, an associate professor and a senior lecturer to its College of Business as a part of its efforts to strengthen its courses relating to communication, marketing and research at its Albany Campus in Auckland.

Professors Harald van Heerde, Shiv Ganesh and Chris Galloway will join the faculty this month as the Business School launches its new course in Communication Major this year.

Professor Harald van Heerde, who takes up his new role of Research Professor of Marketing in January 2013, is reportedly a leading marketing scientist.

Born in the Netherlands, he obtained his PhD in Economics at the University of Groningen before arriving in New Zealand in 2006 to work at Waikato University.

He is also the associate editor of ‘Marketing Science and ‘International Journal of Research in Marketing,’ and serves on the editorial boards of the ‘Journal of Marketing’ and the ‘Journal of Marketing Research.’

He is a recipient of the William O’Dell and Paul Green Awards.

His wife Valentyna Melnyk is an Associate Professor and a highly regarded marketing and consumer behaviour academic.

Guiding research

Professor van Heerde would continue his research at Massey in addition to guiding the research work of other members of the staff and student.

“Research is my passion and it was very important to me that it be a large part of my role. I want to enhance the research profile of the College by helping others to lift their game and get published in high-ranking international journals,” he said.

His own research is focused on ‘Measuring the effects of Marketing,’ and has a Marsden Fund grant for a project entitled ‘Can New Zealand firms spend their way out of a recession?’

Professor Shiv Ganesh is currently editor-in-chief of the ‘Journal of International and Intercultural Communication.’

He recently won the ‘Frederic Jablin Award’ for his contribution to organisational communication.

His research interests include globalisation, civic engagement, digital technologies and social movements.

He was recently awarded Marsden funding for a research project into the changing face of collective action in New Zealand.

Professor Kambiz Maani will oversee the research programme of the College.

He has a strong agri-research background and has been working at the University of Queensland, Australia as Professor in Systems, Thinking and Practice.

PR Major

Massey has also announced the appointment of Dr Chris Galloway as senior lecturer in Public Relations at its College of Business, enabling the Albany Campus of the University to offer Public Relations as a major subject, The College already offers Communication Management and Marketing Communication as major subjects.

Dr Galloway has extensive industry experience, having worked at Telecom and Meat New Zealand. He has been the PR discipline leader at Australia’s Swinburne University for the past five years.

Exciting moves

Head of College of Business Professor Ted Zorn described the new appointments and new courses as ‘exciting developments at the Albany Campus.’

“We are extremely pleased to have attracted three new professors and a new associate professor, all of who are outstanding researchers who publish in the best journals in their fields and whose work has immense practical value for the business community,” he said.

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