Venkat Raman
Auckland, July 14, 2019

“As Warren Buffet says, it takes years to build a reputation and 20 minutes to lose it. Over the last month, the ANZ’s reputation has been severely tarnished.”
Those were the comments of Suzanne Snively, Chair of the Wellington-based Transparency International New Zealand Inc in the Leader in Transparency Times (July 2019). Please read more under Businesslink.
Good Governance and the fact that Corporate Responsibility begins at the top have been the central theme of the Indian Newslink Lecture series, now in its ninth year.
Lecture on Good Governance
Finance Minister Grant Robertson, the Guest Speaker at this year’s Lecture to be held on Monday, July 29, 2019 at Pullman Hotel in Auckland, will hopefully cover the subject in the larger context of macro-economic management and the significance of greater accountability and ‘crystal clear glass policy’ of public administration.
Transparency is not just a virtue. In an fiercely competitive and hostile commercial environment with sense of propriety coming under question, it quantifies the need for accountability.
Corporate Culture
As Bernie McKendrey is Deputy Chair of the Institute of Internal Auditors New Zealand wrote in an opinion piece at the end of last year, while there is agreement that culture is a core ingredient to organisation success and a core governance responsibility, boards and management often appear to have limited understanding about how to gain appropriate assurance around culture.
The government remains committed to transparency about its fiscal management and responsibility, and to establish an Independent Fiscal Institution to measure progress against the Fiscal Strategy
That could well be good place to start.
And the forthcoming Lecture could be a good place to listen.