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Natural disasters bind humanity with a cause

More than 200 relatives of those killed in the February 22 Earthquake sat together in front of the main stage at the Memorial Service in Hagley Park on March 18 as all of us mourned the loss from our offices and homes.

They asked, “God, Why did this happen?”

Each religion has a different answer. If you had followed current developments, you would have known that New Zealand has had significant increase in earthquake activity in recent months.

Millions of people from all over the world are helping the victims with their time, energy and money. Today, everyone feels a deeper interconnection, with everything affecting everything else.

The 8.9 magnitude Earthquake that struck Northern Japan on March 12 not only violently shook the ground generating a devastating tsunami but also moved the coastline, changing Earth’s balance.

NASA scientists said, redistribution of mass by the earthquake might have shortened the day by a millionth of a second, tilting the Earth’s axis slightly.

A Divine Punishment

The disaster has generated piety among many people around the world, and more so among the Japanese.

Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara said the disaster was “a punishment from heaven because the Japanese had become greedy.”

Such statements open up public discussion on spiritual issues. People are engaging in spiritual conversation with strangers.

Are we responsible for these natural calamities?

Indeed, we, as the human race are contributors.

In order to experience the good, the true and the beautiful even in the midst of this crisis, we must change our intention and redeploy our attention.

We will then recognise the authentic leaders, teachers and healers in every race, religion and culture who mirror the righteousness and light in our souls.

Their work can give us a new evolutionary perception. These true Gurus embody the seeds of a New World and offer solutions to every problem facing us today. Sri 1008 Sri Guru Godaviri Giriji Maharaj of the Juna Order said we can still connect with others in a way that brings greater appreciation and caring for life itself. We can, through our sincere prayers, build bridges across the world that would counterbalance the harmful wave of death and destruction that we have seen in recent times through revolution and imbalance of power.

A new opportunity

Today is a great day of empowerment, an opportunity to step out of our little circle, and create a world that would be bereft of material and spiritual earthquakes and tsunamis.

In his letter (March 12, 2011) to Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, the Dalai Lama expressed his shock and sadness over the earthquake and tsunami.

“Your Government’s ‘Disaster Preparedness Measures’ helped prevent death and destruction from being much worse,” he said.

When such disasters occur, we realise the benefit of love and compassion, become mindful of the preciousness of life. We realise that our earthly home is a conscious being that we must love, honour and protect.

The tsunami made us realise our deep interconnection, how each thing in the world affects everything else. The water symbolised a major refinement of so many lands, and a hope that new life may grow from this terrible ruin.

Nothing in this world is permanent, expect Nature and its Creator.

Shomi Payak is an esoteric, clairvoyant and aura reader. She is the director of the Tryambkum Nirvana Centre based in Papatoetoe in South Auckland. Phone 021-0381441. Email:; Web:

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