National Party to elect new President in August

Peter Goodfellow steps aside after 13 years

Peter Goodfellow speaking at the Indian Newslink Electionlink launch on July 29, 2020, in Auckland
(INL Photo by Narendra Bedekar)

Venkat Raman
Auckland, June 23, 2022

Peter Goodfellow has announced that he will step down from the post of President of the National Party, paving the way for a new candidate at the annual conference of the Party in August 2022.

A life-long friend of Indian Newslink, Peter steered the destiny of the National Party for more than 13 years, which saw the rise and fall of the popularity of the Party and its recent resurgence. He has presided over the good tidings under the John Key-Bill English governments for nine years and the tumultuous period of coups, leaks and depravity since its failure at the 2017 general election and worse, the debacle of 2020.

He remained steadfast in his belief that political fortunes and misfortunes are cyclic in party politics and that National has the capacity to bounce back after every downfall.

Peter Goodfellow (seated extreme right) with then Prime Minister John Key and other leaders at Indian Newslink Electionlink lunch on April 1, 2014 (INL Photo by Narendra Bedekar)

Opportunity for a New Leader

Peter’s announcement on June 23, 2022, that he will not seek re-election as President opens the door for other directors on the board to put their hands up, especially because the Party’s electoral prospects in 2023 appear brighter. Considering that the board comprises many newcomers over the past year, his counsel will be widely welcomed.

He will remain on the board as a director over the next two years or so.

“It has been an honour and a privilege to serve our Party as President for over 13 years. I have seen highs and lows, and after much reflection, I feel the time is now right for someone else to take National into the future as President,” he said.

Peter had expressed his desire to retire in 2016 when the going for the Party was good but refrained from doing so in the face of the sudden decision of Mr Key to quit politics. He was aware that the National Party would begin to slide, not only because of the previous failures of Bill English (who succeeded Mr Key as the Leader of the Party and as the Prime Minister) but also because National was contesting for the fourth term, usually denied.

Peter Goodfellow with then Party Leader Judith Collins at the Indian Newslink luncheon for National MPs at its offices on April 30, 2021 (INL Photo by Narendra Bedekar)

“Since 2018, I have worked tirelessly to help improve and diversify the skillset around our board table, to revitalise and reform the Party and its systems, and to unite our great Party after a very public period of instability and distraction. During my time, I have always had the best interests of the Party at heart,” he said.

The renewed strength of National

Peter has always been an optimistic man and despite a despicable record in opinion polls that led to the general election in 2020, believed that National would form the government.

He now has reason to believe that his Party is moving from strength to strength.

“We have real momentum under the leadership of Christopher Luxon and Nicola Willis. I am confident that we have the right people, processes, and plans in place to move the National Party forward, and I have every confidence National will win in 2023,” he said.

“As a proud member of the National Party for over 50 years, and its longest serving President, I will be forever grateful to our members for their ongoing support of me as a board member, and to our directors for their confidence in continuing to re-elect me as President. I look forward to continuing to support the new President, Board of Directors, Parliamentary leaders, and campaign team in my final term as a director,” Peter said.

Christopher Luxon (INL File Photo)

Luxon’s tribute

Party Leader Christopher Luxon paid tribute to Peter saying that he has made an immense contribution to the National Party and thanked him for his stellar service as President of the Party for more than 13 years.

“I have found Peter’s experience, knowledge and wise counsel invaluable in the time that I have been Leader. Peter now feels it is a good time to stand down as President given the Party’s renewal has been completed with a new leadership team established, the caucus unified, and a refreshed team of political and campaign staff in place. During Peter’s tenure as President, a strong National Party machine supported the successful Key/English era. He continued through a period of change and reset, with National now being competitive once again and having our best opportunity to win in 2023,” he said.

According to Mr Luxon, Peter should be immensely proud of his legacy and the contribution he has made not only as the Party’s longest-serving President but also as a member and supporter for over 50 years.

“We are grateful for his exceptional record of service,” Mr Luxon said.

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