Former Air New Zealand CEO enters politics
Supplied Content
Wellington November 5, 2019

Local Party members have selected Christopher Luxon as National’s candidate in Botany for the 2020 General Election.
Mr Luxon, a former Chief Executive of Air New Zealand, has held a number of senior roles with the multinational consumer goods company Unilever.
He lives in Auckland with his wife Amanda and two children.
Mr Luxon issued the following Statement:
I am incredibly humbled to be chosen as National’s candidate in Botany and am grateful to the Party delegates for their support.
Botany is a part of who I am. I lived here growing up, attended local schools, and the hard-working, middle-class values that were instilled in me then are my values today.
You can find everything that makes Auckland a great global city here, and I will be working incredibly hard to be Botany’s next National MP.
Diverse electorate
Botany is one of the most diverse electorates in the country, it has strong businesses and outstanding schools, but it is not without its challenges.
Like the rest of New Zealand, it is facing the pinch from a Coalition Government that is breaking its promises to Kiwis, hiking the cost of living, and failing to deliver on the things that matter.
Botany, and New Zealand, needs an effective National Government.
Simon Bridges leads a team that knows how to get things done and is ready to hit the ground running.
My message to Botany voters is that you deserve an MP you can trust and be proud of, in a National Government whose bottom line is you.
I will be fighting hard to earn Botany’s trust and to ensure that we don’t waste another three years with a Labour-led Government that Kiwis cannot afford.
Home to Talent
National Leader Simon Bridges said that Mr Luxon’s selection shows that National’s status as the home of talent remains firmly in place.
It is no accident that we attract strong candidates like Christopher, given we are the most popularly supported party in Parliament and the largest and most effective Opposition this country has ever seen,” he said.
Mr Bridges said that Mr Luxon shares National’s belief that the government has a responsibility to spend tax dollars carefully and in a way that delivers results.
“I know that he is going to run a strong, successful campaign here because the people of Botany are sick of a staggeringly incompetent Labour Government that delegates everything to working groups, is soft on crime, and continues to tax Kiwis through the teeth. I am looking forward to campaigning with Christopher in Botany and to having him join us in a National Government in 2020,” he said.
About Christopher Luxon
Christopher Luxon is a businessman, father and proud New Zealander with extensive experience at the highest levels of global corporate leadership.
He was born in Christchurch and raised in Howick, Auckland, attending local Botany schools including Cockle Bay Primary and Howick College. He holds a Bachelor and Master of Commerce (Business Administration) from the University of Canterbury, which he attended between 1989 and 1992.
Upon graduating, Mr Luxon commenced a successful 18 year career at Unilever, working in New Zealand and around the globe, concluding his time with the company based in Toronto as President and CEO of Unilever Canada.
Air New Zealand Boss
In 2011, he returned home upon being appointed CEO of Air New Zealand. Under his leadership, it returned record profits, saw all time customer satisfaction scores, and the highest levels of staff engagement.
Christopher has won numerous business awards, including the Peter Blake Leader Award and the Deloitte CEO of the Year. Outside his corporate roles, he has served as Chair of the Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council and is a Vice Chair and Trustee of the international aid organisation Tearfund New Zealand.
Christopher is married to Amanda and they live in Auckland with their two children.