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Bill English
Wellington, February 1, 2017
Today I announced that the General Election will be held on Saturday, September 23, 2017.
I have announced the date now because I think it is important to provide you and your fellow New Zealanders with certainty. It is also in everyones best interest to have plenty of notice.
I have chosen September 23, 2017 because it is almost three years to the day since the last election and, given the uncertainty around the world, it will be important for New Zealands Prime Minister to represent us at global forums like APEC and East Asian Summit, both of which fall in the latter part of this year.
Strong record
National will be campaigning on its strong record of delivering more for you and your family.
New Zealand is now growing strongly, stronger than most developed countries. Weve got New Zealand back on its feet, got people into jobs, returned to surplus, invested heavily in infrastructure and core services and tackled natural disasters.
The challenge now is to sustain that growth, build for growth, and act for the people who most need our help.
Preparing for prosperity
We need to be ready to adapt to a still fragile and uncertain world, and prepare ourselves for long term prosperity.
We will go into the election with a positive and ambitious programme that will build on the successes of the last few years, with a clear and strong plan to make you and all New Zealanders better off both at work and at home, and with the means to achieve it.
I am excited for the year ahead but as you know, under MMP, elections are always close. We will be taking nothing for granted.
Allied Parties
Under MMP elections are always close so we will be taking nothing for granted as we campaign for the right to lead New Zealand for another term.
We will be fighting hard to win every party vote to ensure we are in the best possible position to form a strong and stable Government that continues to deliver for all New Zealanders.
However, MMP means we will almost certainly have to work with other parties. This will likely be in the form of confidence and supply agreements, which have worked well for us in the last three terms.
My preference is to continue working with current partners – ACT, United Future and the Mori Party.
Together our parties have provided a stable and successful government at a time of great uncertainty in many parts of the world.
No Labour, Green or NZ First
We cannot work with the Labour-Greens grouping.
They are an increasingly far left, inward looking grouping, with no new ideas who do not back New Zealanders to succeed.
New Zealand First is an unlikely partner, however I am prepared to have discussions with them post-election depending on the makeup of Parliament.
Bill English is Prime Minister of New Zealand