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Mystery surrounds dancer and her partner

Debut author offers suspense thriller

Book Review: Okasna

Ratna Venkat – 

In a world that is increasingly becoming ruthless and selfish, true love and firendship may seem to beat a retreat. As materialistic ambitions grow, so do the ways of circumventing issues to the top of things.

In one word, the world is surrounded by Mystery.

Realtionships, however professional, sooner or later, transcends to intensely personal, although its level, shape or form may differ between situation.

Anil Dhar in his book, ‘Okasna,’ described the twists and turns that human beings experince in their dealings with people, each of these bringing vicissitudes that change peceptions, scenes, moods and even lives.

Envious object

The story of ‘Okasna,’ revolved around 21-year-old Jai Grover, who could be described as the ‘best of things put to life.’ A charming personality, an attractive young man with an engineering degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, rich and loving parents and an easy life in a sprawling parental home in New Delhi were enough to make him an object of envy.

But was he really so? ‘Okasna’ brings a change- the first twist and turn.

After completing his engineering, Jai strikes a deal with his parents to take a year off to create a dance group and set up an events management company in Mumbai, which changes his life forever.

Dancing Star

He meets Oksana Bzovsky, a beautiful and skilled dancer from Ukraine, employed as a lead dancer at a company. Stating that she is at odds with her manager, she fears losing her job and the apartment provided by the company.

Looking for a dancer, Jai convinces Oksana to move into his apartment and take up the role of dancer-cum-choreographer at his company.

He establishes a dance group with the help of five rich teenagers and Oksana. But he soon faces a number of challenges.

Transcending relations

Despite sharing an apartment, their relationship remains purely professional for some time. But an eventful Friday night changes the scenario. Okasna starts to drift away from Jai, while he feels closer to her.

With the help of beautiful, intelligent and talkative Dolce Desai, Okasna wins the first cheque and a dance competition for Jai.

Shortly thereafter, Jai encounters another problem. A greedy, cunning and influential businessman Naresh Gahlot makes an unsolicited offer which Jai refuses. At the same time, Jai deals with his feelings for Oksana. He finds himself puzzled with her frequent mood swings and her enigmatic and reticent nature.

Bad experiences

Jai continues to struggle to win business for his dance group. A number of bad experiences convince him to change the course of the business.  He decides to hold a Bollywood Night event on Christmas Eve. But two days before the event, something unexpected takes place leaving his future uncertain.

Jai is left with four options to secure his fate and future with Oksana. He chooses one carefully based on rewards versus risks.

What happens next can be known only by reading ‘Okasna.’

About the Author: Anil Dhar was born in Kashmir, India. Among his qualifications are Masters in Computing and IT (Australia), Masters in Accounting, Diploma in Management and Diploma in Computer Applications (India). He has been in several countries including India, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Qatar, Singapore, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and United States of America. He lives in Sydney with his wife and a teenage daughter.

Email: or Twitter @ZippyAD

Oksana by Anil Dhar; Number of Pages: 392; Partridge Publishing (A Penguin Random House Company); Formats: E-Book, Softcopy and Hardcopy. Distributed through Amazon India, Flipkart and Ingram retail channels, Amazon, Apple iBook Store, Google, Boko, Barnes & Nobel and Baker & Taylor. Available on Amazon and Barnes&Nobel. Access on devices including Apple, Kindle, Android and Nook.

Order print version from Partridge India (000-800-10062-62).


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