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Muslims condemn Israeli attack

New Zealand Muslims join millions of other voices committed to peace and respect for human rights and sanctity of human lives in condemning in most unequivocal terms the current Israeli massacre of hundreds of innocent Palestinians and the wanton destruction of their infrastructure including schools, hospitals and places of prayers.

The Zionist Israeli government has claimed that its actions are revenge for the kidnap and killing of three Israeli teenagers and retaliatory rocket attack by Hamas solders.

Destruction mode

The Israeli Government claims of sophisticated intelligence information and precision weapons should mean that it knows who and precisely where the alleged targets are located

Yet the sporadic rocket shelling of the homes and abode of innocent women and defenseless children including a center for the disabled confirms that the Israeli Government’s reckless penchant for destruction and termination of the lives of the innocent and the defenseless.

The asymmetry of the dead, which already records more than 200 Palestinians killed, including women, children and the disabled, compared with one fatality reveals that the motive of its actions are wanton destruction and mindless expansionist drive.

This should embarrass even the few remaining Israeli allies around the world and challenge the moral conscience of all humanity. The Zionist Government of Israel is clearly taking advantage of deafening silence of Western Governments.

FIANZ demand

The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand strongly condemns the bloody and brutal Israeli attacks on the civilians in Gaza and calls upon the Government of New Zealand led by Prime Minister John Key and other influential leaders including the US to provide leadership to world comity of nations by demanding an unconditional and immediate end to the Israeli carnage and ceasefire in Gaza.

For permanent peace in the Middle East to prevail, FIANZ calls upon Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories in accordance with the ‘Road Map to A Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli Palestinian Conflict.’

Dr Anwar Ghani is President of the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand. He is based in Hamilton. The picture here (by Syed Mujeeb Hyderabadi) shows the New Zealand Muslim community protesting the Israeli attack in Auckland on July 19, 2014. It is understood that about 3000 members of the community were present at the protest march and meeting.

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