Venkat Raman –
Over the past four years, one question would inevitably be raised during our meetings with Shanti Ravi and her husband Ravichandran (Ravi) Tanjore at numerous music and dance concerts and social gatherings, “When would Abhishek (their son) present his Bharata Natyam Arangetram?”
The answer would always be, “In good time.”
Last weekend, Shanti and her husband Ravichandran (Ravi) Tanjore gratified their large circle of friends and well-wishers with an invitation to Abhishek’s Bharata Natyam Arangetram at Dorothy Winstone Centre, Auckland Girls Grammar School on May 6.
The Five Elements
The Ravis were tight-lipped about the items that the teenager would present on his big day on stage but the invitation suggested that it would be based on the five elements that constitute the Universe and the human body- Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth.
The invitation quoted Vedanta Teacher Ananya Chaitanya as saying that the macro-cosmic rhythm that pulsates through the five elements is mirrored in the micro-cosmic self.

“The Universe resonates a cosmic dance-rhythmic in beat, cyclical in item, expansive in space. Eons and ages, day and night, birth and death, raga (mood) and rasa (essence), all originate out of that cosmic dance- the dance of Shiva. Let us participate in this Divine dance to rejoice and reflect, with the awareness of Ishwara (Shiva),” she said.
Born and raised in a family dedicated to human traits of compassion, friendship, social networking and religious fervour, Abhishek evinced interest in performing arts early in his life but his passion for Bharata Natyam surfaced in 2011, when he was eight years old. Since then, he has not only been an ardent student of Anuradha Ramkumar, Principal and Director of ‘Nrityabhinaya,’ better known as Anuradha’s School of Indian Dances but also an enthusiastic participant in a number of solo and group events.
Other interests

Abhishek is also learning Jazz, Contemporary and Hip-hop at ‘The Dance Studio,’ and has been involved in Bollywood dance groups at his schools. As well being a member of the ‘Accelerated Academic Group’ at Mt Roskill Intermediate School, his academic achievements have also been a source of pride and joy to his parents and teachers.
The list of his capabilities encompasses musical instruments (Guitar, Drums), awards and citations cover theatre, dance, sports and academia.
Versatility defines the personality of a person, transcending barriers of language, nationality and other vicissitudes.
The forthcoming Bharata Natyam Arangetram of Abhishek could be a redefining moment in his life and career, both of which hold promising prospects.