Mt Wellington, Sylvia Park join locations of interest in Auckland

New Zealand’s biggest city on the second day of Lockdown Level Three

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Wellington, September 23, 2021

Key things to note

Today, September 23, 2021, there are 15 new community cases, all in Auckland, and two cases at the border.

Most people aged 12 and over who are permitted to travel across Alert level 3 and 2 boundaries for personal reasons will now need to get a Covid-19 test before they travel.

Sylvia Park and Mt Wellington have been added as locations of interest for testing in Auckland. The Section 70 notice for Upper Hauraki has been lifted.

The Quality Hotel Elms in Christchurch been added as a new managed isolation facility.

NCEA and NZ Scholarship exams will go ahead at Alert Levels 1 and 2.

As at 11.59 pm yesterday (September 22, 2021), 1.76 million vaccine doses had been administered in Auckland. New Zealand has reached 3,171,000 first doses delivered nationwide and 1,696,000 second doses.

Travel across Alert Level boundaries

From 11.59 pm tonight (Thursday, September 23, 2021, most people aged 12 and over, who are permitted to travel across the Alert level 3 and 2 land and air boundaries for personal reasons, will need to get a COVID-19 test before they travel.

The evidence you need to carry depends on the reason for travel. Some people also do not need to be tested.

The list of permitted travel is on the Unite Against COVID-19 website. There is also information on (a) whether someone needs to be tested (b) how long before travel a person needs to be tested (c) what evidence people need to carry – including whether they need evidence of a negative result or just evidence of having been tested

Cases, testing and contract tracing

The total number of community cases in this outbreak is 1123. Of these, 861 have recovered. 19,194 tests were laboratory processed nationwide yesterday (22 September). 8370 tests were taken in Auckland yesterday. 1137 active contacts are currently being managed, 89% of whom have had at least one test result. There have been no unexpected detections in ESR’s latest round of testing.

Suburbs of interest for testing

Sylvia Park and Mt Wellington are now included in the places public health interest.

The others include Mangere, Favona, Otara and Manurewa.  

Pop-up testing centres are open today at the netball centre in Ferguson Drive and at the Mt Smart Stadium. 10% of the Clover Park population have been tested in the last two days. 

Currently 60% of residents in Clover Park have had their first vaccine. Anyone in that suburb who hasn’t yet been vaccinated is encouraged to do so today.

Upper Hauraki update

The Section 70 Notice has been lifted for those who visited Upper Hauraki, which remains in Alert Level 3 and this will be reviewed on Friday, September 24, 2021. The only positive test results in the Upper Hauraki area have been from people within one household. All close contacts of this household have been identified and are isolating.

Tamaki Makaurau compliance

Since Alert Level 4 came into place, in Tamaki Makaurau, 93 people have been charged with a total of 97 offences as at 5pm yesterday (September 22, 2021). Of these, 80 are for failing to comply with Covid-19 orders, 14 for Failure to Comply with direction, prohibition, restriction and one for failing to stop (Covid-19 related). During the same period, 194 people were formally warned for a range of offences.

Additional MIQ facility in Christchurch

The Quality Hotel Elms in Christchurch is to be added as a new managed isolation facility.

The Elms has a modern ventilation system, a large carpark and is set back from the road.

The new hotel will result in 85 more rooms for returnees and brings the numbers of facilities in the MIQ network to 32.

Education Advice

At Alert level 1 and 2 (under current advice from Public Health), NCEA and NZ Scholarship exams will go ahead.

At Alert Level 3 and 4 (under current advice from Public Health), NCEA and NZ Scholarship exams will not go ahead.

This will also apply to International Baccalaureate exams.

Should this position change for any reason, such as having sufficient vaccination rates for students in Year 11-13 and teachers and supervisors, the viability of running exams at Alert Level 3 will be reconsidered.

Students in Alert Level 2 areas are permitted to travel to their principal home or place of residence in Alert Level 3 areas, i.e. Auckland, but they will not be able to leave Auckland until it is at Alert Level 2.

The Education Ministry has recommended capacity limits of 200 staff and students for teaching and learning spaces (previously this was 100).

Vaccination Update
New Zealand has reached 3,171,000 first doses delivered nationwide and 1,696,000 second doses.
Vaccination progress for Maori: First doses 301,435 (53%) and Second 148,527 (26%)
Vaccination progress for Pacific Peoples: First doses 194,609 (68%) and Second 103,649 (36%)
Vaccines administered yesterday Total 49,677; First dose 24,339 and Second 25,338
In Auckland: Total 1.76 million; First dose 1,153,083 (80%) and Second 616,682 (43%)
Source: Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Wellington

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