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MP faces dangerous driving charge

Fiji TV 

Fiji First Member of Parliament Balmindra Singh has been released on bail after he was remanded in custody.

Singh appeared before Magistrate Sufia Humza on June 5, 2017 after he was charged with one count each of dangerous driving, after failure to supply sufficient breath analysis, on the direction of a Police Officer.

It is understood that on June 2, 2917, along Kings Road in Nakasi, Singly allegedly drove a motor vehicle in a manner which was dangerous to the public.

According to Prosecution, upon being required by a Police Officer to provide specimen of breath that would enable the analysis to be carried out, Singh failed to provide such a specimen of breath.

Singh has been released on condition that his two sureties pay a bond of F$ 500 each and on the condition not to reoffend.

Singh will reappear for plea on July 25, 2017.


Photo Caption:

Balmindra Singh leave the Court on June 5, 2017 (Picture by Fiji TV)

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