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Model of the Fortnight

If you have a dress that needs mending, reshaping or even redesigning, you could get professional advice and service from someone who prides herself as a good seamstress.

While our Photographer Anas Khan was delighted with the outcome of the photo shoot, he was equally awed to discover the multitalented woman in Michelle Aroha, our Model of the Fortnight.

Friendly but shy at the same time, Michelle has been at a variety of jobs, at each of which she is keen to excel. Her passion includes modelling, filming, music, salsa dancing and gardening – in fact almost every form of art that calls for creativity and challenge.

Born and raised in Waikato, Michelle lives and works in Auckland.

She enjoys her independence and takes each day as it arrives and makes the best of it, for herself, her son, clients, associates and friends.

“I knew that I would be a good model when I was seven years old. I went for it and became involved in filming to gain confidence,” she said.

Michelle believes that her Maori-European linage is an advantage.

But the seamstress loves her clothing business the best.

She also seldom forgets to mention about her son.

“He is the light of my life, apple of the eye and I want him to grow and do well in his career,” she said.

Her other interests include history, shopping for treasures at vintage retro-stores, sewing and good food or ‘yummy kai,’ as she said.

Her hidden passions include doing volunteer work and travel around the world with her son.

Photography: Anas Khan

For more pictures of Michelle Aroha, visit our website:

Editor’s Note:

If you wish to sponsor our Model of the Fortnight or try your luck being a Model of the Fortnight in our series, please contact Anas Khan on 0212054171.

Email: You can also join Anas on Facebook.

Indian Newslink reserves the right to publish or withhold photographs, comments and other reader-response, which may be offensive or distasteful and absolves itself of all liabilities and responsibilities in this connection.

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