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MIT Graduate Diploma takes graduate on career path

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Auckland, October 5, 2019

Daniel Rajmanohar (Picture Supplied)

Daniel Rajamanohar has just secured a job he hopes will make a big difference in the lives of many New Zealanders.

The 24-year-old only arrived in the country last July, but in that time has successfully completed his Graduate Diploma of Data Analytics at the Manukau Institute of Technology and was recently appointed to the role of data analyst with IHC.

The organisation is New Zealand’s largest provider of services to people with intellectual disabilities and their families offering residential care, supported living, social housing, specialist and vocational support.

Demand for Data Analysts

‘I am excited. I cannot really explain how I feel. It is going to be a real challenge. I am inspired to do the work,”

There is a big demand right now for data analysts.

Individuals who can mine the right data, interpret it and present their findings to management so they can have that all important ‘aha’ moment solving a problem, are highly valuable to any employer.

MIT School of Digital Technologies Senior Lecturer Michael Thompson (Picture Supplied)

Equipping Graduates

At Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT), we pride ourselves in equipping our graduates with the hands-on skills industry is looking for so they can contribute in the workplace from day one.

Many of the graduate diploma classes already have qualifications and on-the-job experience.

In Daniel’s case, this was a Bachelor of Computer Science earned in Chennai as well as working as a developer for Data Consultant Services looking at ways companies could make cost savings.

‘That triggered me to look at higher study in the field of data analytics. So, I opted for New Zealand and MIT, which has very good academics in data analytics,’ he said.

It is our job to make sure these experienced, well-trained students who come through the Diploma are challenged and learn skills allowing them to reach for the career advancement they’re looking for.

We do not produce geeks. We focus on applied teaching so graduates can work in a business with people to help find answers to their problems to improve performance.  

Robust Internship

Internships offered through MIT are very often where it all comes together. These are available at a range of top companies, but in Daniel’s case he was offered one at MIT working on our student database.

Here, he learned more about machine learning, data integration software – Talend and data visualization tool, Power BI and would particularly like to thank principal lecturer, Fadi Fayez, for his support with assignments and research.

This experience was not only valuable to his education, but also came up in his job interview with IHC.

“I recommend this as one of the best institute’s in New Zealand. It’s a one-year course. You study Level 7. But the skills are the same as what you would get in Level 9 Masters,’ Daniel said.

IHC Chief Information Officer Mike Hughes said it’s great to have someone like Daniel, with his qualifications and experience on board.

Passion to help others

One of the most pleasing aspects of his success is it allows Daniel to apply his skills in helping others, something he is passionate about.

Back home in India, he would visit orphanages and aged care homes as part of corporate social responsibility.

‘I am really passionate to help people. Some people need a bit more support to be able to achieve the same things as others and it feels great to be able to do my part. The values I have are the same as the organisation (IHC).’

India was the first country in the world to make corporate social responsibility mandatory. It requires big companies to spend a percentage of their net profits on advancing social issues including poverty alleviation, education and the gender pay gap.

As an institute, we are just thrilled for Daniel, proud that an MIT graduate was chosen for this job and look forward to the work he will do on behalf of this important organisation for the benefit of the community.

Manukau Institute of Technology is the Sponsor of the ‘Business Excellence in International Trade with India’ Category of the Twelfth Annual Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards. Tickets (priced at $150 plus GST per person and tables seating ten persons each at $1500 plus GST per table) to the Awards Night, scheduled to be held on Monday, November 25, 2019 at SkyCity Convention Centre are available. Please call 021-836528 or email

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