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Miss Indianz reappears with entries open for young Kiwi Indians

A bonanza of colours and entertainment on October 20 at SkyCity Theatre

Venkat Raman
Auckland, August 7, 2022

When Dharmesh Parikh, Director of Rhythm House Events and Films called us to say that Miss Indianz will be held this year, we could immediately sense the excitement.

For, the reappearance (after an absence of three years) of the country’s most adored and followed event will regale the participants, judges and the people of New Zealand.

Celebration of Culture

“Arguably there is no other event to match the calibre and extent of Miss Indianz. It has long ceased to be a mere beauty pageant. It is an evening to celebrate culture, intelligence, alacrity – everything in fact that glorifies our young women. A parade of costumes, jewellery and charm, highly charged entertainment, selection of winners in various sub-categories and the announcement of the winner of the main title (Miss Indianz) and the First and Second Runner-Up. This is the ultimate celebration of culture, dance and music,” Dharmesh said.

The competition is open to women of Kiwi-Indian descent aged between 16 and 25. Winners receive prizes and gifts valued more than $3000.

“Considered to be the fantastic launchpad into acting, modelling and entertainment, Miss Indianz also enables contestants to gain more confidence and is an outlet to express and celebrate their unique heritage. The audience is treated to a spectacular show unlike anything else on offer in Auckland,” Dharmesh said.

Winners and Participants of Miss Indianz 2018 on September 15, 2018 (INL File Photo)

“Training workshops are conducted by industry professionals in the lead-up to the event. Contestants will be promoted by New Zealand’s leading ethnic media, including Radio Tarana and Indian Newslink,” he added.

While many beauty pageants focus primarily on contestants’ physical attributes, Miss IndiaNZ provides a platform for contestants to showcase all their talents, with categories such as Kiwi Girl, Made in India, Talent and a Q & A section. The event emphasises on Kiwi-Indian elegance, fashion, music and dance. Besides runners-up and main title, preliminary titles in the past events have included Miss Talent, Miss Popular, Miss Friendship, Miss Photogenic and Miss Potential Model.

Ideal Partnership

Dharmesh has found us at Indian Newslink and Radio Tarana ideal partners to bring news, views, and profiles of participants all through the past 20 years; which in essence speaks about the beauty of our relationship.

“I would like to establish Miss Indianz as the best show of its type Down Under. It should an event of endearment and endearment, in addition to glamour, music, dance and a host of other things,” he told us in 2002.

He is justifiably proud that Miss Indianz has travelled far, establishing records of sorts in a crowded marketplace of entertainers and show organisers. His event remains the best in the business and each year, at least a dozen young women take home various titles, justifying the premise that Miss Indianz is a combination of various factors, beauty being just one of them.

Many participants and winners have scored well in their chosen professions.

Winners and Participants of Miss Indianz 2017 with Master of Ceremonies Hemant Parikh on September 16, 2017 (INL File Photo)

Sophisticated Entertainment

As in the yesteryears, Miss Indianz 2022 promises spectacular visuals using state-of-the-art technology and sophisticated entertainment with colour, costume and humour. It will also feature some of the best-known celebrities of India. Miss Indianz is a dazzling celebration of Kiwi-India culture. It has become way more than just a beauty pageant.

“Yes, the judging panel will select a winner on the night, but our main focus is to showcase and celebrate upcoming talent – not just of the contestants themselves, but also many other singers, musicians and dancers. Miss Indianz is put on to amaze and enthral. Stage, lighting, sound and video will be state-of-the-art and entertainment will be nothing short of spectacular,” Dharmesh said.

This year’s event will be held at Auckland’s iconic Sky City Theatre on Thursday, October 20, 2022. Tickets will be on sale from September 1, 2022.

For more information and to register, please visit www.missindianz.co.nz

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