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Migrants apprised of employment opportunities

A new initiative in the Capital is helping new migrants and refugees to gain a sound knowledge of the employment opportunities and providing networking opportunities with peers and potential employers.

Wellington based MCLaSS (Multicultural Learning & Support Services) has combined its resources with those of Job Mentoring Service (English Language Partners) and the Employers’ Chamber of Commerce Central to organise a series of job skills and networking seminars.

The Seminars aim to provide firsthand knowledge of various sectors of the economy and connect skilled jobseekers to employers in their sectors of interest.

The first and second Seminars focused respectively on the accounting & finance sector and customer service.

Careers Service Accountant Sean Meng apprised the participants in the first Seminar of the Wellington job market, the realities of working in accounting, finance and banking, and strategies for employment in the sector.

BNZ Contact Centre Manager Christy Law and Wellington City Council Customer Contact & Service Centre Manager Lui Tofete were the guest speakers at the Seminar on Customer Service.

Former migrants and refugees from China, India, Germany, the Philippines, Japan, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Korea and Colombia were among the participants.

MCLaSS employment Facilitator Fiona Hoang said a number of participants had benefited from the seminars.

Her colleague Harvey Buchman said one of his clients, who had been applying for work for some time without success, told him the seminar inspired her to start reapplying.

Job Mentoring Service coordinator Rose Desmond said the series has the backing of the Settlement Support Wellington employment network group.

“Bringing the jobseekers together and giving them informed input from an employer adds to the support they are already receiving from our agencies,” she said.

Employers’ Chamber of Commerce Central employment services programme coordinator Kristie Mill said working closely with the Job Mentoring Service, MCLaSS and other settlement support agencies through initiatives like the seminar series was increasing the number of people getting into employment.

“There is nothing more rewarding than seeing someone obtain a job in their chosen field at the level that matches their skills and experience,” she said.

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