Meet and Challenge ACT Party Leader David Seymour

On Saturday, November 13 at 2 pm on ‘Indians Living in Auckland’ Facebook

Act Leader David Seymour with his Deputy Brooke van Velden (Party Picture)

Venkat Raman
Auckland, November 9, 2021

Members of the ‘Indians Living in Auckland Facebook Group,’ Readers of Indian Newslink and other members of our South Asian communities have an opportunity to meet and discuss issues of interest with ACT Party Leader David Seymour on Saturday, November 13, 2021 between 2 pm and 3 pm.

Those interested in participating in the discussion should access the link that will be shortly posted on the Group’s Facebook Page. The link will also be posted on the social media platforms and WhatsApp groups of Indian Newslink.

Organised by the Indians Living in Auckland Group, the Discussion will be managed by Rashna Tata, a Moderator of the Group, leader of the Zarathustrian community and a Rotarian.

Issues for discussion

Mr Seymour will articulate the policies and programmes of the ACT Party and his views of redeeming the New Zealand economy from mounting public debt and other challenges.

He is also expected to cover Covid-related issues including MIQ, lockdown restrictions, their adverse impact on businesses and the resultant mental health problems, to mention a few.

Mr Seymour has announced that December 1, 2021 will be ‘Freedom Day,’ meaning that New Zealanders should be moved out of the current lockdown levels and allowed to move without restrictions. He has also called for the opening of the country’s borders so that international travel can resume and businesses can be revived.

Freedom Day on December 1, 2021

Leading a Petition Campaign, Mr Seymour said that the ACT Party is calling on the government to set December 1, 2021 as the Freedom Day, with any suburb reaching 90% fully vaccinated in the meantime having its restrictions lifted.

“Labour’s plan means your freedom depends on the laziest person in your community. Restrictions might be dropped around December 1, 2021, but exactly when will be decided by laggards. Every District Health Board reaching 90% is not a realistic target and keeps people guessing. What businesses, students, and people needing healthcare need is certainty.

By December 1, 2021, everyone will have had the chance to have had both shots and gained full immunity, and it will be time to open up,” he said.

Having celebrated the Silver Jubilee of the ACT Party on October 12, 2021 and with continuous rise in ratings poll after poll in recent months, Mr Seymour is the Rising Star on New Zealand’s political horizon and could be in a commanding position after the general election in 2023.

“ACT believes in personal responsibility. At some point, we have to stop waiting for the stragglers, procrastinators, and crazies who believe anything they read online. Once everyone has had the opportunity to be vaccinated, it is time to get on with life. ACT has a plan that would get our freedom back. The government adopted nine of the 15 recommendations in our Covid 2.0 plan,” Mr Seymour said.

Underwriting Major Events Insurance Fund

ACT has long said that the government should underwrite a Major Events Insurance Fund to insure event promoters against losses specific to Covid restrictions. That would give them the ability to plan under government-created uncertainty.

We are now hearing that the government is belatedly trying to get some sort of insurance up and running, they should just come clean and announce it before there are no events going whether you are vaccinated or not.

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