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Meditation fosters wellbeing

The Holy Scripts of India including the Vedas and the Upanishads, prescribed Meditation as ‘The Universal Panacea for Universal Ills’ more than 2500 years ago.

These teachings have been central to the mental and physical wellbeing of men and women, with the preaching that ‘It is only human beings that can think and hence prepare for their wellness.’

The Vipassana Centre near Auckland affords the ambience and environment that are conducive to quietude that humans need to recharge themselves.

The Vipassana Organisation organises visits of men and women of yore for conducting meditation classes and weekend camps.

What are the Centre’s objectives and what does it do?

Such questions are often asked, answers to which can be found with a visit to the Centre on October 25.

It would be a sort of ‘Open Day,’ between 1 pm and 4 pm.

The Centre is located at 153 Burnside Road, Makarau Kaukapakapa (Phone 09-4205319).

Vipassana is stated to be a technique to eliminate suffering, achieve mental purification and promote the art of living to make positive contributions to the society.


Photo : The Vipassana Centre near Auckland

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