Wishing you and everyone around you Happy Diwali!
Venkat Raman
Auckland, October 27, 2019
Hindus all over the world celebrate Diwali today and we at Indian Newslink join them in hoping that there would be a dawn of a new era of peace, prosperity, good health, goodwill and joy for everyone, everywhere.
Diwali. Deepavali. Festival of Lights.
Call it by any name, it is that time of the year when people the world over rejoice at the onset of a Festival that marks the beginning of a new era of progress and prosperity.
It may be an occasion marked only by Hindus at home and yet Diwali has sublime relevance to the society at large. Which is why, people of all faiths get together not only to wish those celebrating the event but also join in the festivities.
New Zealand’s multiethnic and multicultural character becomes even more apparent during such occasions. Over the past two weeks, we have had no less than 27 Festivals held by local and central government departments Parliament, by small groups and at home by families. As always, these festivities bring people closer.
The Essence of the Festival
The larger meaning of the Festival is the world itself and the life of mortals like us on it. “There shall be no darkness in your home or in your soul. This is the time for prayers, time for giving, time for harmony, time for goodwill and time for all the good things in life. Let your hearts sing with joy for this was the day when the evil was vanquished by the good, proving to the world that truth shall always triumph. Light your heart and mind with hope for the morrow, even as you light your lamps and crackers with fun for today,” says a philosopher, explaining the meaning of the Festival to the young.
Varied connotations
Diwali may have varied connotations for different regions of the Indian Subcontinent-the beginning of a New Year for some, the end of a season for others; The Goddess of Wealth Lakshmi is at the core of some segments of the community, while it is the tale of Krishna for those in the South. But none disagrees that it ushers in all the goodness that Mother Nature can offer.
The fact that even a Festival has diverse concepts speaks a lot for the variety of beliefs and practices that characterises the Indian society and of course the Indian Diaspora. It is this diversity which in itself seeks unity of thought and purpose. Ask an ethnic Indian-irrespective of his or her social disposition or even place of birth-you will know that somewhere along that composite lineage rests a bond that would perhaps date back a few decades or even centuries. It is such a bond that transcends time and space, making the young and old feel they belong to one hold, one community and one family.
So much for inter-faith and harmony.