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Masterly advice for debt-free life

One of the most striking qualities of Global Financial Services Limited Managing Director Ajay Kumar is his genuine interest in releasing his clients from the shackles of debt, especially the one related to mortgage.

“There is no need to be tied up for 30 years to a mortgage facility. There are ways of liquidating such loans within a lesser time frame (in some cases within a few years) so that people can lead a debt-free life,” he said.

Mr Kumar is also a strong advocate of National Savings.

“If we had continued with the Compulsory Savings Scheme (scrapped in 1975), it would today account for more than $500 billion, eliminating the need for Government borrowing of $300 million every week,” he told a captive audience recently.

With postgraduate qualifications (MSc) and as a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia and Certified Associates of Indian Institute of Bankers, he brings to his business expertise and experience.

As a Member of the Institute of Financial Adviser (New Zealand) and as a Registered Financial Adviser, he instils confidence in his clients.

“We are primarily engaged in arranging home, business and commercial loans and I am proud of our loan approval rate of 98%. We also assist our customers in getting need based and affordable insurance products such as Life, Trauma, Total & Permanent Disability, Medical and Income Protection,” Mr Kumar said.

He said the Company’s claim settlement rate was 100% with no delay at the time of claim, provided the client has complied with the advice and terms and conditions of the insurance policy.

Mr Kumar said GFS was committed to making its customers financially stronger and wiser through innovative plans and continuous market research.

He said recession has had no impact on the operations of his Company.

“We are experiencing an upsurge in our business activity, to cope with which, we are in the process of recruiting more people in our insurance division. I believe that 2011 would prove to be better than last year and that 2012 would be extremely good,” he said.

GFS employs state-of-the-art technology and arguably one of the best CRM Systems in the country.

“We are extremely proud that GFS won the ‘Supreme Business of the Year’ Award’ at the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards 2010, apart from winning the Best Professional Services’ and the ‘Best Small Business’ categories and the ‘Best Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, demonstrating our success,” Mr Kumar said.

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