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Mai Chen joins BNZ Board

Mai Chen joins- John WallerJohn Waller – 

Mai Chen has been appointed to the BNZ board of directors with effect from April 21, 2015.
I am delighted that this appointment aligns with BNZ’s mission of supporting a higher-achieving New Zealand.

Mai Chen is an outstanding New Zealand leader, combining expertise in public law with wide-ranging commercial experience. She will bring fresh and diverse views to board discussions, alongside the formal business of our board.

Impressive career

Mai Chen has had an outstanding and varied career to date. She has acted as an advisor to government ministers on major legislative and policy changes, and chaired government reviews, lectured at leading universities and authored many books.

Mai has established influential not-for-profit leadership organisations for women, Asian New Zealanders and Pasifika.

She has pioneered the practice of public law in New Zealand, including co-founding Chen Palmer, a leading law firm specialising in public and administrative law, legislation and public policy as well as employment law.

Distinguished services

Mai has served on the Securities Commission and on the advisory board of AMP Life Limited (NZ), on the NZ Board of Trade and Enterprise’s Beachheads programme, on the Asia New Zealand Foundation board, the Royal NZ Ballet board, and on university and polytechnic councils.

She was the inaugural chair of NZ Global Women, and is the current chair of NZ Asian Leaders. She was instrumental in establishing the BEST Pasifika Leadership Programme.

Mai is currently Managing Partner at Chen Palmer and an adjunct professor at the University of Auckland Law School.

John Waller is the Chairman of BNZ Board of Directors. BNZ has been the Title Sponsor of the annual Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards since 2011.

Mai Chen adds:

I cannot think of a company that better aligns with my own diversity values while also being at the heart of a key New Zealand industry.

I relish the challenge of working in a sector subject to so much disruption and fast-paced change. The challenge of demographic disruption is as important as technological disruption, especially in a super-diverse market like Auckland.

Valuable Asset

As a BNZ board member, I look forward to contributing my years of experience in strategic problem-solving, in running a successful business, and in innovating new services, products and organisations, as well as my expertise in managing regulatory risk, and in showing the relevance of ‘cultural intelligence’ to large organisations.


Photo :

Mai Chen was the Master of Ceremonies at the Indian Newslink Sir Anand Satyanand Lecture 2013 held on Monday, July 29, 2013 at Stamford Plaza Hotel Auckland (Picture by Narendra Bedekar).



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