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Lecture aims at Good Corporate Citizens

Good people make good companies and good corporate citizens, embracing Accountability, Transparency, Integrity and Good Governance.

These are qualities that have governed the personal and professional life of Sir Anand Satyanand, who will complete his five-year term as the Governor General of New Zealand next month.

The Indian Newslink Sir Anand Satyanand Lecture is a tribute to such a man, who brought dignity and honour to every office that he has held and every task that he has performed. We hope that the Lecture would become an annual event, bringing forth champions of the corporate world to articulate on issues that would encourage top executives, managers and staff to subscribe to principles of Good Governance.

The inaugural lecture will be held on Monday, July 4, 2011 at Stamford Plaza Hotel. Foreign Affairs & Trade Ministry Secretary and Chief Executive John Allen will be the Guest Speaker at the Black Tie Dinner event, which will commence at 630 pm. Bell Gully Public Law Consultant Rt Hon Paul East (former Minister, Attorney General and High Commissioner to UK) will be the Master of Ceremonies.

Sir Anand Satyanand and Lady Susan Satyanand will be our Guests of Honour.

Chairmen, Chief Executives, Managing Directors and Managers of Government, public and private sector organisations, prominent barristers, solicitors, lawyers, professionals and academics are among those attending the Lecture.

Companies around the world are learning that customers and governments are not interested in more information, numbers, reports or sophisticated press briefings. The civil society seeks trustworthy, relevant and understandable information about how a company runs its business and the features of the products and services it offers to the market.

Pressure on companies to become more transparent is also increasing. The collapse of a number of finance companies and other commercial enterprises over the past few years has obliged the Government to consider new statutes to protect the interests of investors, depositors, creditors and employees.

But honesty is better achieved through self-realisation than enforcement.

We hope the Indian Newslink Sir Anand Satyanand Lecture will accelerate that process and help in promoting concepts of good governance.

For more details, call (09) 5336377 Email:

Read our Editorial, Opacity deludes Good Governance under Viewlink.

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