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Ladakh bears its soul with toughened divinity

Ashok KochharImagination limits-Ashok Kochhar

There is no other place on Earth as barrenly beautiful, pure, and divine as Ladakh.

It is one of the toughest terrains on this planet.

Living in such conditions is not easy. With low in oxygen, chilling cold temperatures dropping to -40degree Celsius, survival here is really tough. On top of it, a majority of the place is inaccessible and cut off from the world for up to eight months in the year, due to heavy snowfall.

The lakes get frozen; and life comes to a standstill, but the vibrancy of the place, still remains unparalleled by any other destination.

Triple entry

One can enter the terrain from three directions on road one from Manali or Spiti, both situated in Himachal Pradesh. Another entry point is from Srinangar, Jammu & Kashmir.

The most popular entry is from Manali. The trip is most adventurous as there are many high mountain passes, roads are rugged and the terrain is unforgiving, which makes it even more thrilling.

The experience becomes more adventurous when the route has just opened or is about to close as whole caravans of bikers, who travel hundreds of kilometers move together, and one can see many sole travellers and wonderers exploring this land of Nature’s glory.

Spiritually charged

Ladakh is surely a Spiritually Charged place. The energy of this place is very different. My understanding is that this is an alchemist lab for Divinity seekers from time immemorial.

Being a spiritually inclined visual artist, I could feel the energy of the place.

Once you reach this destination, all conversations are put to hold and thereafter divinity starts speaking to you, as if some important message is being conveyed about existence as a whole.

It is a place that changes with seasons, and still remains the same.

After a little research, I have learnt that many master have lived here, out of which majority have taken the vow of silence.

They travel through hundreds of miles, seeking and spreading the messages of wisdom.

Awesome experience

One is filled with wonder throughout the journey, because it is filled with mystery.

On every turn, you have no clue what’s going to be the next visual sight. The landscape changes so fast that on the first visit it’d difficult to absorb the beauty of the place.

The landscapes are incredible, as they change and enhance every moment.

Ladakh is famous for some of the lakes that change the mood every hour of the day.

This was my experience too.

Throughout the journey, one is silent and this gives time to absorb the visual, energy and tranquility of the place.

It is a place most suited for the bikers, wonderers, travelers, seekers, philosophers and all those who can take in the hauntingly beautiful visuals, and know how to admire nature in its rawness.

While the enlightened might predict the future, blessed are those who find magic in all things ordinary.

About Ashok Kochhar

Ashok Kochhar is an artist, a visual expert and an esoteric personified. While his images leave the spectators gasping, his thought and expression stir the deepest emotions and cast a spell of magnificence hard to explain in words.

It is often said that only a painter in a photographer can create wondrous and exotic visuals. In about two decades (he started only in the late 1980s), Kochhar has worked for almost all major corporates in India. His engineering qualifications and background in Engineering brings into focus accuracy and sharp vision, both important attributes to photography.

Throughout his career, Kochhar has worked on high quality equipment, matching international standards. He is stated to be among a handful of photographers who use the best technology and techniques available globally.


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