Andrew Little
Wellington, May 11, 2017
Labour will introduce a pilot scheme of specialist mental health teams across the country in government to ensure swifter and more effective treatment for those who need urgent help.
Mental health is in crisis. It needs a fresh approach so we can make a difference quickly because what we’re doing now just isn’t working.
This is something you cannot put a bandage on and a Labour Government will make it a priority to better equip our health system to cater for those crying out for help.
Poor accessibility
Health professionals and those needing treatment tell us that it is hard to find the front door to access mental health services. The present service is over-stretched and fragmented with little co-ordination of the care people need.
What the new mental health teams will do is offer free, accessible help for those in need and ensure their care is co-ordinated and effective.
One in six New Zealanders will be diagnosed with a mental health problem in their lifetime. There has been a 60% increase in Kiwis accessing mental health treatment since National came to power but spending on this sector has only increased by 28%.
A quarter of all suicides are people who have been in contact with mental health services in the past month.
Eight sites countrywide
Under the two-year pilot specialist mental health teams will operate from eight sites across the country and work with doctors, NGOs and District Health Boards.
One of the sites will be in Christchurch reflecting the city’s particular needs.
We expect the teams will be able to help nearly 40,000 people each year at a cost of $43 million over the pilot.
This is a small investment that we are confident will make a big difference to those who struggle today to access the services they need.
It will be funded through Labour’s budgeted commitment to reversing National’s $1.7 billion of health cuts and is in addition to Labour’s review of the mental health system.
We believe early intervention and continuing care will help people avoid significant mental health distress and better assist them to live their lives to their fullest. It’s the right thing to do.
Andrew Little is Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition in Parliament.