Labour Party chooses Kharag Singh for Botany

Labour Party’s Botany Candidate Kharag Singh (Indian Newslink File Photo)

Venkat Raman
Auckland, May 15, 2023

The Labour Party has just announced its choice of Kharag Singh as the candidate to contest in the East Auckland constituency of Botany.

His main opponent is National Party incumbent Christopher Luxon, who won the 2020 General Election polling about 4000 votes more than his nearest Labour candidate.

A Labour Party press note described Mr Singh as a prominent leader and a voice of the wider Indian community.

“Mr Singh is a registered Justice of the Peace, an active member of the Papatoetoe Rotary Club, and was previously the President of the Life Vision Society and a member of the India New Zealand Business Council, He is actively involved amongst wider ethnic groups and the local community initiatives,” the press note said.

Diverse and growing electorate

Mr Singh said that he is honoured with the choice as Labour Party candidate in Botany.

“I have watched Botany evolve from farmland to the impressive suburb that it is today. Botany has given my family many opportunities and I will work hard in this campaign to give a voice to all the people of Botany,” he said.

Mr Singh said that Botany is home to a wide range of businesses, a diverse population and a tight-knit community. He said that he would work for the prosperity of all constituents in the Botany electorate.

“Coming off the back of a global pandemic, the Labour government is focused on securing the economy, supporting positive immigration, tackling the housing crisis, ensuring a solid education system, lifting our children out of poverty and working towards a world-class health system. Botany has seen the fruits of these initiatives first hand and I am excited to continue this great work,” he said.

Youth Empowerment

As a responsible parent, Mr Singh understands the aspirations of younger members of society and the importance of empowering them with opportunities and incentives to grow and contribute to the progress of society and the economy.

He is a strong advocate of hearing the voice of the youth and representing them with respect.

“We must reach out to young people at schools and engage with them, through the Youth Council and with the support of the Local and Central governments. Although students in schools are below the voting age, their perspectives and feelings should be taken into account. They are our future and hence we should respond to their needs and perform our role as true representatives of our constituents,” Mr Singh said.

Kharag Singh provides timely help to families in need (INL File Photo)

Care of the Elderly

Mr Singh said that elders in our communities are neglected and often suffer in silence and solitude.

“I believe that we can serve them better and more effectively by establishing an integrated network between organisations offering relevant services and community groups,” he said.

According to him, mental Health is a major problem in New Zealand and ethnic communities are very vulnerable, compounded by various barriers including language and culture

“Until recently, mental illness was not openly discussed for fear of being excluded but this stigma has gone. There is however a need for concerted efforts. I believe that the primary task is to increase awareness of mental health and remedial measures to tackle the illness. It is important to recognise the fact that mental illness issues vary between communities and cultures and adopt appropriate approaches,” he said.

About Kharag Singh

Mr Singh arrived in Auckland 36 years ago with a mind filled with ideas and a heart filled with ambitions. Hailing from an illustrious family in Chandigarh, Punjab, he was used to hard work, perseverance and the pursuit of quality in life.

Graduate degrees in Arts (Economics & Public Administration) and Law from the Punjab University added to his eligibility for employment but the times were hard and challenging.

He launched his career at Sicpa Australia and Scipa New Zealand Limited (a security ink and system supplier) and gained knowledge of the market and its needs.

Eight years later, in 1995, he established K & R Ganday Traders Limited, a holding company to own and operate Everglade 4 Square (a franchise of Foodstuffs, which owns several popular supermarket brands) at Manukau Heights in South Auckland.

Honesty, dedicated teamwork and unity are the trilogy of factors that have helped the family enterprise grow from strength to strength and the long hours of work do not bother Mr Singh and those around him.

An active member of the Sikh community, he is an engaging golfer at the Manukau Golf Club, involved in developing junior members, organising tournaments and mobilising financial resources.

Mr Singh’s interest also extends to Golf, Cricket and travelling.

He won the Fathers Day Tournament in 2006 and 2007 and the BMW Tournament in 2007 at the Grange Golf Club in Papatoetoe.

He was among the recipients of a Community Award at the Fifth Annual Indian Newslink Sports and Community Awards held on October 8, 2018 in Auckland.

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