Phil Twyford
Making Amy Adams the Housing Minister five months out from the election is just the orchestra playing on as National’s Titanic housing crisis slips below the waves – along with the hopes and dreams of countless Kiwi families, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Phil Twyford.
National’s housing policy will not be saved by getting someone new to front it.
The policy itself has been a total disaster.
National are still in denial there is a housing crisis.
They are spending $100,000 a day putting homeless people up in motels.
And The Economist magazine says that Auckland has the most unaffordable housing in the world.
Now the masterstroke from Bill English is to put Amy Adams in charge of finding the missing 470 ha of Crown land promised two years ago by Nick Smith.
These people have had nearly nine years to fix the housing crisis. And now five months out from an election, this is the best they can do?
If National’s housing policy was covered by the Consumer Guarantees Act, the people of New Zealand would be asking for their money back.
At least in September, New Zealanders can elect a new Government that will fix National’s housing crisis. Labour has done it before and we’ll do it again.
Phil Twyford is Member of Parliament elected from Te Atatu Constituency in Auckland and Labour Party’s Spokesperson on Housing.