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Join us to salute Sir Anand Satyanand

Sir Anand Satyanand will retire in August after completing five years as our Governor General. As the Representative of Queen Elizabeth II and the people, he has brought dignity, honour and respect to the highest office of the land, doing every New Zealander proud.

Integrity, accountability and transparency have been the hallmarks of his illustrious career that spans more than four decades. These have also been the source of endearment and admiration to us as people of Indian origin.

The Indian Newslink Sir Anand Satyanand Lecture, scheduled to be held on Monday, July 4 at Stamford Plaza Hotel in Auckland City will be an occasion to celebrate the grandeur and finesse of the man with many other outstanding qualities. Our Guest Speaker, John Allen (Secretary & Chief Executive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade) is another outstanding practitioner of the principles enshrined in the life and career of Sir Anand.

He will speak on Shaping New Zealand’s Future: Leadership, Law and Laughter.

This is an occasion for us to facilitate Sir Anand and Lady Susan Satyanand, the first in a series of farewell speeches, luncheons and dinners that would be organised by others in due course.

Tickets for the Lecture, priced at $140 inclusive of GST, drinks and dinner are now available. Call us on (09) 5336377 or email for details.

Indian Newslink is compiling a Special Report to commemorate the end of the five-year tenure of Sir Anand in August 2011. We welcome you to participate in this venture with articles, reports and photographs of your association with Sir Anand. These should reach us on or before July 15, 2011.

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