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IRD waives penalties for late filing, payments

Image from IRD website

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Wellington, August 25, 2021

Inland Revenue Department (IRD) has assured people that it will not penalise customers for late filing of returns of delayed payments of GST and other dues.

The ‘pardon’ is temporary and will be applicable only during the current Alert Level 4.

An official said that the Department is aware that many companies and individuals would be experiencing difficulty in contacting to speak about general tax issues such as GST.

“While we are in lockdown, if a business is unable to pay its taxes on time due to the impact of Cvodi-19, we understand. You do not have to contact us right now. Get in touch with us when you can via myIR, and we will write-off any penalties and interest. We know also that it might be challenging for people to continue filing returns at this time but it would help if they could continue to file, as we need the information to make correct payments to people, and to help the government respond to what is happening in the economy, the official said.

Payment at Westpac suspended

As all Inland Revenue offices are closed during Alert Level 4 and customers are still in lockdown, there is no option for dropping returns in or making payments through Westpac branches which also remain closed.

“IRD is currently receiving thousands of calls hourly and many we cannot answer. The lower than normal volume of calls answered is due both to call centre staff working from home because of lockdown and the closure of the Department’s main building in Wellington. We are also supporting the Ministry of Social Development with wage subsidy verification and are responsible for the Resurgence Support Payment which are taking up the time of the people at IRD,” the official said.

For details about filing and paying, see

For information about Covid-19 relief, please visit


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