I believe in the power of decision-making and I am thankful for the freewill and choice that God has given us to make such decisions.
My life improved dramatically when I discovered the power of decision-making many years ago.
One day, I read the statement, “Where we are right now in life is in large part result of the decisions we made last year. The level of life we have a year from now will in large part be determined by the decisions we make today.”
Following introspection, I took a number of decisions, which have helped me in my work, family and community. I hope the following would inspire and help you in your decision-making process.
Positive Attitude
I decided that my thoughts should be positive and that I should not entertain anything negative. I decided that I would not allow anyone or any incident to make me feel angry, bitter, resentful and revengeful. As the Biblical Proverb mentions, “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.” I recall how liberating that decision was, giving me instant freedom and power.
I decided to speak positive things. “If you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all,” is saying worthy of emulation and capable of changing your life. Have you ever noticed how happy people attract happy people, successful people attract successful people and conversely, negative people attract negative people, complainers associate themselves with complainers, jealous with the jealous and so on.
It is clear that the words we express advertise the product of our heart. Following my decision to be positive, my friends changed and suddenly, positive, happy and goal- oriented people began to flood into my life. Negative ones ran for the exit and that little change made a big difference.
Clear Vision
I decided to create a clear vision of where I wanted to be and work toward that end. It involved several areas of vision and goal, including family, work, finance, health and travel. As international speaker John Maxwell said, “Most people plan more specifically for a weeklong vacation than they do for their life.”
We should define our goals and pursue them. While we are reading one book, we discuss about the next and while on vacation, we think of the next. Such thoughts and deeds help us move forward.
I decided not to waste time, because it is more important than money. Time is one of your greatest tools for a life of joy. Plan to use it wisely. Do not waste time with people who do not add value to your life. Do not waste it on unproductive ventures.
I decided that my family and my faith would be of greatest importance to me. My wife and our children are my best friends.
We spend our afterhours together, discuss positive things and enjoy. My parents taught me to consider family time as a perpetual party.
Faith is crucial. If my faith is not growing, I am slowing down and minor things call for too much attention.
Faith is adventure. It is the discovery of God who created all and knows us personally.
Those who have tasted and experienced the relationship will appreciate its value.
Those were some of the decisions that influenced my life. Take time to evaluate your decisions and create principles to guide your life and enjoy the outcome.
Pastor Moses Singh is Senior Pastor at the Indian Christian Life Centre, 8/23 Springs Road, East Tamaki, Manukau. Phone (09) 2712191 Email: iclcoffice@indianclc.org Web: www.indianclc.org
The Centre will host a Seminar on Building a Better Home on October 24 and 25 at 7 pm. Sunday Services are held in Hindi and English at 9 am and 6 pm.