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International student numbers rise

Make your views known- Dr Parmjeet ParmarDr Parmjeet Parmar – 

The number of international students in New Zealand grew 13% last year, with 110,198 international students studying across the country.

Auckland recorded 17% growth in international student enrolments over 2014.

The Private Training Establishment sector has experienced strong growth with 24% increase.  This increase has been driven by Indian student enrolments, which were up 89%

The Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics sector in Auckland increased by 18%, the sector expanding to meet the growing demand in subjects that offer transferable skills, such as Finance and Information Systems.

Economy boost

This is great for our local education providers, and also benefits our local economy and communities.

International education is the country’s fifth largest export industry, contributing $2.85 billion to the New Zealand economy annually, and supporting more than 30,000 jobs.

We are a trading nation, and hence, building these international links is important for us to prosper. To continue growing this industry we need to keep promoting our strengths – our great Kiwi attitude, our strong student experience, and our high-quality education providers.

Dr Parmjeet Parmar is Member of Parliament on National List. The International Education Snapshot 2014 full-year Report is available at

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