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Inspiring engagement gratifies

I may not have won in the traditional sense of the word considering that I did not get into Parliament this year. However, I am proud of my campaign and I thank everyone who played a part in that success. I am grateful for the opportunities to share my views and the Labour Party’s policies and vision at various cultural events, cottage meetings and political panels. I thank all of you who have read my columns and have contacted me to discuss them.

Meaningful journey

I have learned so much on this journey, met so many wonderful, inspirational people and have technicolour memories of the campaign trail. I said, at the start of my campaign, that I am here to serve New Zealand and to ensure that our communities have a strong voice in Parliament. There are a number of issues that disproportionately affect us as a community; these must be addressed, and numerous contributions we make must be valued. My aspirations remain unchanged – the goal may be just out of reach now but it is most definitely not out of sight. I look forward to reconnecting with many of you and to building new connections.

Priyanca Radhakrishnan was a List Candidate of the Labour Party in the recent election. She was widely expected to win but Labour’s poor performance had its toll.

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