We are happy to announce that entries to the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards (IBA) 2013 are now open.
This year’s Awards Scheme features a new category called, ‘The Best Accountant of the Year,’ in recognition of the growing importance of the accounting profession in ensuring good governance in all sectors of the economy.
Title Sponsor
We are also happy to announce that ‘BNZ Partners’ is Title Sponsor of the Awards for the third consecutive year. BNZ is also the Sponsor of the ‘Best Large Business Award’ and the ‘Supreme Business of the Year Award.’
Lyndon Settle, Managing Partner of BNZ Partners based in Central Auckland said that BNZ was happy to be involved with the Indian business community.
“The Indian business community in New Zealand contributes significantly to the progress and development of the New Zealand economy and BNZ is proud to be associated as bankers to an increasing number of small, medium and large businesses throughout the country. The Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards have been a good platform to recognise and reward business successes and we are happy to be involved as the Title Sponsor,” he said.
Ansuya Naidoo, Senior Partner at BNZ Partners (Central Auckland) said that BNZ was keen to help businesses grow and achieve higher levels of productivity and profitability.
“Indian entrepreneurs, manufacturers, consultants and other businesses form an integral part of the New Zealand community, and we hope that the Indian Business Awards Scheme will continue to attract quality entries in various categories again this year,” she s
The Best Accountantaid.
The New Zealand Branch of CPA Australia is the Sponsor of ‘The Best Accountant of the Year’ category, entries to which could be directly from applicants or through nominations filed by companies and individuals.
David Jenkins, CPA Australia Country Manager for New Zealand said that finance professionals with a qualification like CPA who contribute to their organisations’ strategic direction and decision-making will always be in demand.
“This Award acknowledges the significant contribution Indian accounting professionals are making to the success of New Zealand busin
ess here and overseas,” he said.
Mr Jenkins said that CPA Australia is one of the world’s largest accounting bodies, representing more than 144,000 finance, accounting and business professionals in 127 countries.
It has a reciprocal agreement with the Indian Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Our Sponsors
As in the past years, a number of national and international companies and organisations are our prestigious sponsors for the Awards this year. Among those who have thus far confirmed sponsorship are BNZ (Title Sponsor), KPMG, CPA Australia, Unitec, New Zealand Career College, The Ranchhod Group and Radio Tarana.