India’s ‘Vishwa Mitra’ initiative evokes global interest

India’s External Affairs Minister Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar addressing the UN General Assembly on September 26, 2023 (UN Photo)

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New Delhi, January 26, 2024

Editor’s Note: India celebrates its 75th Republic Day (and 74th Anniversary) today- Friday, January 26, 2024. Indian Newslink has the honour of greeting the people of this great Nation on this important occasion.
When India turned a Republic on January 26, 1950, the Country adopted its National Flag, National Anthem and an extensive Constitution and pledged to work for global peace and prosperity. As the following article illustrates, that objective has been strengthened further with India’s rise as a global economic power with substantial influence on geopolitics. We salute the people of India for their steadfast cultural and social values.

In an impressive demonstration of India’s rising stature on the global stage, the address delivered by External Affairs Minister Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar at the United Nations focusing on India’s ‘Vishwa Mitra’ initiative, has emerged as among the Top 10 United Nations YouTube videos of 2023.

Dr Jaishankar was speaking at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. The high interest in the video signifies a collective global interest in India’s foreign policy and diplomatic stances as the nation expands its role on the world stage.

The ‘Vishwa Mitra’ initiative, designed to foster global cooperation and understanding, aligns with India’s long-standing tradition of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ – the World is One Family. India’s commitment to sustainable development, peacekeeping, and inclusive growth, officially released as the Programme’s objectives, achieved immense global outreach.

Heightened global attention

The heightened global attention towards Dr Jaishankar’s UN speech can be traced back to a confluence of India’s growing influence and strategic actions on the international scene. Key among these is India’s burgeoning economic growth, positioning it as a significant player in the global economy. This economic ascent has entered the form of enhanced international trade relations and increased visibility in global economic forums.
Additionally, India’s strategic geopolitical positioning has become increasingly prominent.

Its unique location and diplomatic manoeuvres in the Asia-Pacific region, along with its engagements in various international coalitions, have placed it at the centre of major global discussions. India has also been critical in dominantly shaping the geopolitical narratives around pressing maritime security and regional stability issues.

Addressing global challenges

Notable instances of India’s proactive involvement in tackling global challenges are its contributions to international dialogues and actions on climate change.

Similarly, India’s response to terrorism, marked by advocating for comprehensive international strategies and cooperation, has positioned it as a pivotal figure in global security dialogues. The country’s handling of pandemic situations, including the Covid-19 crisis, through vaccine diplomacy and the sharing of healthcare expertise, has also contributed to its heightened global profile.

The year 2023 stands out as even more particularly significant in India’s international journey, especially in view of its successful G20 Presidency.

The ‘Vishwa Mitra’ initiative itself is a clear echo of India’s diplomatic vision.

By focusing on collaboration and mutual understanding, India is redefining its diplomatic engagements. This, as Dr Jaishankar highlighted, is not just about aid or assistance but about building enduring partnerships based on respect and mutual benefit.

Underlying the speech was India’s approach to global challenges.

Be it climate action, technological development, or healthcare, India has adopted a solution-oriented approach. The ‘Vishwa Mitra’ initiative is a step further in this direction, aiming to collaborate on global issues with a spirit of cooperation.

The speech’s strategic implications are significant, garnering it the global recognition it continues to endure. It sends a strong message about India’s readiness to take on more significant responsibilities in the global arena. It also reflects India’s aspirations to shape global norms and policies, especially in areas like digital technology and environmental sustainability.

Dr Jaishankar’s speech also reinforced India’s soft power.

The cultural aspects of ‘Vishwa Mitra’, from yoga to Bollywood, from cuisine to classical arts, play a vital role in India’s diplomatic outreach, enhancing its cultural diplomacy.

India’s External Affairs Minister Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar addressing the UN General Assembly on September 26, 2023 (UN Photo)

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