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India’s Republic Day coming

Indians from India will mark the 63rd Republic Day on Saturday, January 26 with a number of activities.

The main official function in New Zealand will be held at the ‘India House,’ located at 128 Knights Road, Lower Hutt, Wellington at 1030 am.

India’s High Commissioner Avanindra Kumar Pandey will participate in a flag hoisting ceremony and read out the Republic Day Message of India’s President Pranab Kumar Mukherjee. This will be followed by patriotic songs and other items reflecting Indian art and culture.

“All Non-Residents Indians and friends of India are invited to attend the function,” an official notification said.

Similar programmes will also be held at the premises of the Auckland Indian Association, Wellington Indian Association, Christchurch Indian Association and several other community organisations.

While India obtained independence on August 15, 1947, it declared itself a Democratic Republic on January 26, 1950, de-linking the country from the British Crown. India also established its own rule under a democratically elected President.

Many Indians consider January 26 as the completion of the process of independence which began several years earlier under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and his associates.

Ministers, politicians, community leaders and others will join the members of the Indian community in New Zealand to mark the occasion.

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