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Indian firm wins ‘Optimist’ Award

Indian firm wins- Vibha and Sanjay Soni.jpgThe current market inertia and global recession may have had a toll on the confidence of businesses but those who persevere and carry on with a note of optimism would succeed and be rewarded for their efforts.

The above statement turned true last week in the case of Spice N Easy NZ Limited, a Birkenhead (North Shore City) based company, which won the Committed Optimist Category of the Westpac Enterprise North Shore Business Excellence Awards 2010.

The annual Awards are sponsored by Enterprise North Shore, the Economic Development Agency of the North Shore City Council to attract, develop, grow and retain small, medium and large enterprises.

The judges said they were impressed by “The Company’s inspirational upbeat, and impassioned and thriving business approach.”

Spice N Easy markets packaged authentic Indian recipe kits, comprising specialist ingredients.

Company Director Sanjay Soni said the ingredients were created to fill a gap in the niche market, with informative, educational and culinary value.

“We trailed recipes from the Company’s family and friends a special cookery classes at a local Community Centre. The classes proved to be extremely popular. Some of the favourite recipes were then incorporated into the kit,” he said.

Mr Soni said the classes evinced widespread interest, encouraging the Company to increase the frequency to three times a week.

His wife and Director Vibha Soni said it was important for customers to discern the difference between Spice N Easy products and those of others in the market.

“We were determined to ensure that our product stood out, distinct from others, to enable customers to see what they were getting – authentic Indian cuisine. This Award means a lot to us,” she said.

Enterprise North Shore Chief Executive Terry Hoskins said the judges chose finalists from 144 entries in various categories.

He said optimism played an important role in the success of a business.

“Our Committed Optimist Campaign was very successful considering the current economic hardships being faced by businesses, offering an extra toll to business survival tactics.

“Spice N Easy understands that taking a realistic but positive approach is often a self-fulfilling prophecy of helping to push businesses forward, irrespective of challenges,” he said.

Photo :

Vibha and Sanjay Soni with Terry Hopkins at the Awards Ceremony

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