Phil Goff
Auckland, December 15, 2021
The multi-million dollar Eastern Busway Project connecting Pakuranga and Botany is one of the major infrastructure plans to improve bus services in Auckland (Auckland Transport Photo)
Strategy includes Climate Action, fiscal management and more
This month I announced my Mayoral Proposal for Auckland Council’s Annual Budget 2022-2023. Its signature policy is a package of Climate Actions that will deliver more and better buses, cleaner ferries, more cycling and walking opportunities and increased urban tree canopy in Auckland over the next decade.
As well as cutting emissions, the Climate Action package will deliver significant other benefits throughout Auckland. It provides a widespread improvement to bus services in every part of the city which will see a million Aucklanders living within 500m of a frequent bus route.
Decarbonisation of ferry fleet
It will also enable us to progress the decarbonisation of our ferry fleet, which currently contributes 21% of carbon emissions from public transport, including funding six to seven new electric ferries and upgrading wharves and charging infrastructure.
Experts tell us that the best way to reduce future emissions is to give people the ability to change from car use to public transport.
The first step is to ensure that there is frequent and more accessible public transport available to use, which this package contributes strongly towards.
Other benefits of the Climate Action package include planting 15,000 mature native trees, 4000 trees and plants for new tiny forests and bush remnant extensions; and new cycling and walking connections.
Proposed Ti Rakau Drive-Central Busway (Auckland Transport Computer Graphic)
Fund management and transparency
It will be funded by a Climate Action Targeted Rate that will raise $574 million over 10 years in a way that is transparent about what the funds will be used for and why and which doesn’t allow them to be diverted to other purposes. Funds raised should enable us to get a further $471 million through matching funds from central government and will produce more fares from greater public transport use.
For someone with a median-value home worth $1.18 million, this will mean a contribution of around $1.10 a week. While no one relishes the idea of rates increases, we have heard clearly from Aucklanders that they want us to do more on climate change and to improve our public transport system. That $1.10 a week is an investment in protecting our children and grandchildren from the worst effects of climate change.
Other measures in my proposed budget include keeping rates rises at the previously agreed 3.5% and maintaining our current capital investment profile to deliver the critical infrastructure that Auckland needs.
Tough decisions in our previous two budgets, including reducing staff numbers, cutting non-essential spending, and imposing a $90 million annual savings target on top of the $120 million saved in the Emergency Budget, have helped shore up our financial position.
Balancing budget and controlling inflation
However, the ongoing impact of Covid-19, compounded by rapidly emerging inflation and higher interest rates is putting pressure on our finances. In response, we will continue our drive for efficiencies and reduced spending to ensure ongoing value for money for ratepayers. Overall, the budget responds to the significant financial pressures caused by Covid-19 while putting forward a package of ambitious and fully funded action to tackle climate change.
Aucklanders will be able to give feedback on the proposed budget in February and March 2022, and I encourage you to have your say.
I wish you all the best for summer and the New Year.
With the new Covid-19 Protection Framework and the relaxation of the Auckland border, fully vaccinated Aucklanders can enjoy more freedoms and travel around the region and the rest of New Zealand.
I hope you have a chance to take some time off, visit friends and relatives and enjoy the summer weather and everything Auckland has to offer.
Phil Goff is Mayor of Auckland. He writes a regular Column in Indian Newslink.