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Ignoring minor political parties is undemocratic

Roshan Nauhria

Auckland, September 8, 2017

Every news channel has the same agenda. The same story and the same debate between National and Labour. All others are completely forgotten.

People are tired; in fact, even disgusted by now with the same representation.

New Zealand People’s Party (NZPP) and other smaller parties like us are being excluded from all mainstream media coverage and debates.

We would like to show our solidarity along with other smaller parties who like us, have also conveniently been side lined by the powerful medium of press and journalists alike.

People’s Voice

NZPP is here as the voice of the people. We are a significant Party.

It is shocking as to how we have been conveniently left out of the media coverage just because we are relatively new in this election.

The two main parties have clearly positioned themselves in such a way that the entire media is enamoured, immersed and completely engulfed in their opposing views.

Valuable time lost

People’s valuable time is being lost in listening to their non-stop monopolised speeches. Most of the country is fed up of hearing these two parties and their promises from the last nine years. What have National and Labour given us in turns for the last few years. Both have done nothing but allowed New Zealand to deteriorate slowly but steadily.

Three disappointments

Three major disappointments are crime, housing and immigration. We have come up with strong policies that none of them have. But, it is very disappointing and disheartening at the same time to see the way these institutions are behaving like there is no third party in New Zealand.

This is nothing but murder of democracy. Our voice cannot be crushed.

We may be very new but then every party who is now a 100 years old was once a new party. If we do not give equal opportunity and rights to every registered party in this election are we truly fit to be called a democratic country?

We are here to make a change. The government has to be all inclusive.

We have to be given an equal, fair and objective inclusion like all others.

Anything less than that would be prejudice.

Wrong message

We are sending out a wrong message here by wing anti-democratic. The whole idea of a debate is not so great and enticing anyways but the point is that we are accepting the status quo of being considered the ‘not so significant others.’

Gareth Morgan case

Gareth Morgan had filed a case saying his party is being excluded from the political debate in TVNZ. The judge has ruled against his petition and he will not be given the opportunity based on TVNZ’s policy not to include parties that were outside Parliament in election debates unless they had reached a 3% threshold in at least one of the most recent 1 News-Colmar Brunton polls.

Roshan Nauhria is Leader of the New Zealand People’s Party based in Auckland.

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