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HWPL Chief hopes 2020 will leap towards global peace

HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee (Picture from Website)

Seoul, South Korea, January 5, 2020

A hopeful, New Year 2020 has come.

With all sincerity, I wish all family of peace a Happy New Year filled with hopes and blessings.

Over the past year, we have accomplished together more than any other year for the realisation of peace  and harmony.

These outcomes would not have been possible without your dedication and hard work for the global community and future generations despite the difficult circumstances.

Once again, I humbly thank everyone for working together.

Doubled efforts

HWPL will do its utmost to make 2020 a year of great leaps toward peace.

The ten articles and 38 clauses of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), a solution for peace, are awaiting submission to the UN General Assembly, to realise a peaceful world without war through international law, please become a messenger of peace, transcending nationality, ideology, and religion.

Please introduce the DPCW and urge support for it. With its family of peace, HWPL is creating an eternal legacy of peace and cessation of war for generations to come.

The year 2020 will be a year that goes down in history.

Our wishes and efforts for the global community and future generations will become a great light that shines on the whole world.

Forward as a family

The waves of peace will cover the world, and the culture of peace that we have planted will blossom and yield great fruits.

At the news of such peace, all creation and even the nature will rejoice and dance.

HWPL’s peace messengers and I myself will run at the forefront.

I ask for your support and cooperation in the work of peace. With one heart and one mind, let us make 2020 a year of taking a quantum leap toward peace. We are one!

Man Hee Lee is Chairman, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) based in Seoul, South Korea. The above (slightly edited version) was sent to Indian Newslink Editor as a personal message but since it carries a universal message of harmony, we believe this deserves wider coverage.

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