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Auckland, December 8, 2019
What a wonderful day it was!

Presbyterian Camps Board Chairman Maree Allan introduced the speakers
Former Board Member John Treneman, who has been involved with the Camp for more than 40 years, spoke of the earlier times, about the buildings being constructed over weekends and a few misadventures along the way.
From six per year in 1960 to over 60 in the 1970s, the Hunua Falls Camp today is used by various communities for Scouts, weddings, family reunions and orchestras.
Easter Camp, the reason for the Hunua Falls Camp starting with under canvas Bible Class Boys Camps after World War I, taking the train from Auckland City to Papakura then a 15 kms walk, carrying all the tents and equipment- imagine that today.
Easter Camp Director Iona Robinson explained the importance of the Camp in today’s social climate.
National MP for Hunua Andrew Bayly spoke about the importance of camp experiences, saying that such camps teach leadership skills.

More children in the lower social economic group should be attending camps and the youth of today need to understand risk and team-building, and that not all learnt in life is academic, he said.
Steve Whelan (Assets & Maintenance, Hunua Regional Park) provided an overview of the future of the Hunua Regional Park and the closure of the Waitakeres due to Kauri dieback.

A restored former Ship’s bell that was used by the Camp decades ago was presented by Barry Wood and Chris Flinn; the work that has gone into the restoration and the Bell Stand was impressive.
The ringing of the Bell during Camp was remembered by Camp stalwarts and played a special part in the structure of Camps.
Maree thanked the team for all the work done, upgrade of the adventure playground and for maintaining the buildings to a high standard.
The event concluded with the cutting of the Centenary Cake by the Reverend Murray Hall (95) and John Treneman (84), the two eldest present at the celebration and a closing Prayer by Reverend Margaret Anne Low to end the Hunua Falls Camp centennial.