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Wellington, June 19, 2018
An International health agency’s removal of transgender identities from its list of mental disorders should be reflected in legislation currently before the New Zealand Parliament, the Human Rights Commission (HRC) says.
Yesterday, the World Health Organisation (WHO) published online the latest version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), which places all trans-related categories in a New Chapter, Conditions Related to Sexual Health.
Previous versions of the ICD classified trans identities under Mental and Behavioural Disorders.
“This is fantastic news,” Commission spokesman Taine Polkinghorne said today. “It will be crucial in reducing the stigma around trans and gender diverse people.
“We urge the Government Administration Committee, currently considering submissions including ours, to recommend amending the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill so trans and gender diverse people can easily change the sex recorded on their birth certificates.”
Scope for progress
Mr Polkinghorne , the Commission’s advisor on sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics (SOGISC), said that the evidence-based WHO change reflected what the global trans community, activists, and organisers have been fighting for since long.
“Belonging to the trans or gender diverse community does not equate to having a mental disorder. We should not be pathologised nor discriminated against,” he said.
A 2008 Report by the Human Rights Commission found that transgender people experienced discrimination, stigmatisation and marginalisation more than other New Zealanders.
“The WHO move, while welcome, does not mean the work is finished. Let us seize this opportunity and step up efforts to end discrimination for trans and gender diverse communities,” Mr Polkinghorne said.
Image from HRC Website