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Hugging Mother’s Birthday marked

Prayers and tributes to Amritanandmayi
Auckland, September 28, 2019

Venkat Raman from Fickling Convention Centre

More than 250 men, women and children have gathered here to celebrate the 66th Birthday of Mata Amritanandmayi, known fondly as the Hugging Mother’ whose curative powers of mind, soul and body are legendary.
Her actual birthday was marked in India yesterday.

Simi Sethu, President of Amma New Zealand and her group of members and volunteers deserve credit for organising an event that comprises Multifaith Kirtans that are favourites of the Mother, (Amma as she is affectionately addressed), an excellent Kuchipudi in praise of Lord Ganesha by Dr Dhanya Jairaj, Kavadi Sindhu in obeisance to Tamil God Murugan, an Assamese dance extolling Lord Krishna by the members of the Assamese community in the City.

Guests of Honour
Among the guests of Honour at this event are National MPs Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi, Dr Parmjeet Parmar, Labour MPs Michael Wood and Priyanca Radhakrishnan

A ten-minute video narrating the philanthropic work that Amma does all over the world and the acknowledgements and awards that she has received from world leaders and global organisations was shown at the event.

Ending Slavery
One of her contributions was a joint declaration that she signed with religious leaders including Pope Francis to end slavery and human trafficking by 2020.
The video also contained the story of ‘Amma’ and how she has embraced the world and inspiring incidents and her compassion for the poor in India and the rest of the world.

Amma to New Zealand
In August 2007, when we attended a simple ceremony to mark the establishment of ‘Amma New Zealand,’ those gathered said that their ardent desire was to see their Spiritual Leader in this country in the ‘foreseeable future.’

“Let us commit ourselves to community service and spread the love and blessings of ‘Amma.’ Help us to progress as an organisation and deserve her visit,” they said.

Twelve years on, that desire remains unfulfilled, giving credence to the belief that ‘Nothing happens unless ordained and until the appropriate time arrives.’

The desire and appeal were reiterated to Brahmacharya Shraddhamrita Chaitanya, one of the monks close to Amma during his visit to Auckland in February last year.

“Amma has been inquiring about the activities of the Organisation in New Zealand. I am sure that she will someday fulfil the desire of members and volunteers,” he Indian Newslink.

About Mata Amritanandmayi Devi
Everyone may not accept her as a Deity to worship, but to millions of people around the world, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi is ‘Amma’ or Mother, whose love, care, affection and compassion transcend religions, faiths and ethnicities.
More than the proverbial Midas touch, her compassion heals people. It is little wonder that their initial awe and admiration make them a follower and soon they begin to consider her as a Supreme Being, worthy of worship.

With Irvinder Kaur, Dr Siva Kumar, Ilango Krishnamoorthy, Sakthi Krishnamurthi, Murali Kumar JP, Alamelu Sampath Badrinarayanan

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