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Hospitality at the heart of Hamilton

Visitors to Hamilton, whether to transact business, enjoy the tranquillity of the ‘little town’ or participate in a community meeting, can be assured of hospitality, courtesy and personalised service from Pradeep Kapoor, Manager of Commercial Hotel located at the heart of the City.

With more than 30 years of experience in the hotel industry, politeness and extension of goodwill are a part of his traits. A degree from the Dadar Catering College in Mumbai and a Certificate Course from Cornell University in New York helped him to hone his skills as a hotelier and for more than 23 years he was at the helm of five-star hotel in India. His decision to migrate to New Zealand in 2001 was a turning point in his life and career.

Under his able stewardship, Commercial Hotel has made its mark in Hamilton, and as the property undergoes renovation to become a luxury class entity, it would appease not only the owners but also hundreds of visitors to the City every week.

Love, self-respect and mutual help form the basis of the relationship between him and his illustrious wife Suman Kapoor, who is equally well experienced in the hotel and restaurant business. Her love for people made her a natural professional partner in her husband’s tours of duty at various properties in India.

Her postgraduate qualifications in Chemistry (MSc) and Business Administration (MBA) and graduate degree in Education (BEd) helped her gain qualities of understanding and patience – qualities that are essential to any successful business or community venture.

As the Indian Newslink Correspondent for Waikato, she brings value to our growing readership.

She is also involved with a number of national and regional community service organisations. These include ‘National Council of Women,’ ‘Age Concern,’ ‘Waikato Multiethnic Council,’ ‘Waikato Interfaith Council,’ ‘Waikato Graduate Women,’ ‘Global Organisation of People of Indian Origin’ (she has the distinction of having started the first branch in New Zealand) and ‘Indianz Global Women & Family Group.’

Their son Saurabh is a chip of the old block, ever courteous and respectful. He brings joy to the Kapoor family as the successful manager of a motel in Hamilton, while their daughter Richa lives with her husband Pradeep Solanki in London, where he is employed as a Manager at an enterprise of Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsey.

With two grandsons, one each in Hamilton and London, the family life of Mr and Mrs Kapoor is also full of excitement and fun.

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