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Dr Jackie Blue
Wellington, April 18, 2017
Todays pay equity settlement is historic and will change the lives of thousands of mainly female, low-paid workers and their families.
The settlement is long-overdue and gives recognition to the hard work and efforts of rest home caregiver Kristine Bartlett and the E t Union, and the strong advocacy by the Caring Counts Coalition.
I would like to congratulate the government on going beyond just the living wage or pay parity, and making pay equity a reality for thousands of mainly female, low-paid workers in New Zealand. They are providing much needed support to some of our most vulnerable it is great to see the government recognising this and supporting them in return.
Positive effect
A pay rise of $7 per hour, rising from $16 up to $23 per hour, for more experienced workers, will make a significant difference to the amount they are taking home at the end of their working week, which will have positive flow on effects for their families.
Kristine Bartlett has been courageous and determined in her journey to see pay equity realised within the aged care sector. It is fantastic to see her efforts recognised and her pay finally reflect the years of service she has provided.
Strong advocate
The Commission has been a strong advocate for equal employment opportunities for aged care workers, using its inquiry powers to write and release the Caring Counts Report in May 2012 one of the key catalysts for Kristines case, and the legacy of which resulted in the Governments recent acceptance of the Joint Working Groups recommended Principles for Pay Equity.
The Commission also appeared as an intervener in Ms Bartletts proceedings in the Employment Court and Court of Appeal.
I would particularly like to recognise the work of the first EEO Commissioner, Professor Judy McGregor, who continues to be a tireless advocate for pay equity and was the primary driver of the Commissions original inquiry.
Step forward
While the situations of workers in other sectors such as education support still require review, todays settlement is a significant and important step forward in the journey towards pay equity in New Zealand.
Dr Jackie Blue is Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner and Chair of Caring Counts Coalition based in Wellington. Please read our earlier posting on the subject.