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Hillary eyes the long road to Pennsylvania Avenue

Hillary eyes the long road-Balaji ChandramohanBalaji Chandramohan – 

Former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has expressed her desire to run for US Presidency again in 2016.

Followers of American politics would know that the bid is not new.

It began in the 1990s when her husband Bill, then Governor of Arkansas, decided to run for the country’s top job and sought nomination from his Democratic Party.

Hillary’s ambition received further impetus in 2007, when she announced her decision to seek the highest office in 2008. The Clintons became a subject of heated debates and discussions throughout the country.

The Preliminaries

Hillary has started her campaign in key states such as Iowa and is on a road trip to gain public acceptance and get through the Democratic Party nomination first.

If elected, she will be first woman President of America and inspire many others around the world, including countries that do not accord equal status to women.

There is no doubt that Hillary is a qualified candidate for the top US job and her tenure as the First Lady in the White House, followed by her roles as a Senator and Secretary of State are seen as progressive steps.

Good Diplomacy

Her performance as the chief diplomat was on a par with many of her predecessors including William Henry Seward, Cordell Hull and Henry Kissinger.

It was under her watch that New Zealand and the United States renewed their formal alliance following the ‘Wellington Declaration 2010,’ which set the platform for the US Policy of moving forward in the Asia Pacific.

Key factors

However, Americans will evaluable their presidential candidate for 2016 based on their ability to perceive the existing and emerging challenges, fostering national security, creating jobs, reducing income disparities and addressing health, education and other major issues.

One of the reasons why Hillary lost to Barack Obama in the Democratic Party primaries in 2007 was her inability to disassociate herself from the scandals that rocked her husband’s years as the President and her support to the Iraq War in 2003.

That engagement, orchestrated by then President George W Bush has been considered unnecessary and arrogant.

Indian comfortable

The Indian government, people and the Indian Diaspora may have a sympathetic view of Hillary and accept her as the next President, since she has advocated closer relationship between the two countries.

Hillary Clinton’s rate of acceptance worldwide has a lot to do with her understanding of global issues, which appeals to American voters and others worldwide.

Balaji Chandramohan is our Correspondent based in Delhi, India.


Photo :

Hillary Clinton: Will she make it?

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