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Help at hand for overdue tax payments

For many people, February 7 is the due date for their 2011 income tax payment.

But what if you think you would have difficulty paying the amount owing? Christmas can place a strain on your finances!

Fortunately, we can help you manage your debt.

The most important thing to remember is to contact us early, preferably a week or two before February 7.

Please do not bury your head in the sand. Late payments can attract interest and penalties.

Easy Payment Plan

In most cases, you will qualify for an instalment arrangement that allows you to repay your taxes over a period of time.

An arrangement can save you money. You would not be charged any incremental (monthly) penalties if you keep to the terms of the arrangement.

Do you have tax that is already overdue?

Do not worry, we can help you. Under the law, there are a number of options available.

Together, we can develop a plan that, as far as possible, will take into account your individual circumstances.

Expensive delays

Some people are reluctant to contact us if they feel that their debt has got out of hand. You do not have to battle away on your own.

No matter the size of the debt, we will do everything that we can to help you get back on track.

If you have any concerns about overdue tax, please call 0800-377771.

The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can put your mind at rest.

Free Workshops

If you are in business, you may like to attend one of our free tax seminars or workshops held in various parts of the country. Please visit our website for details (

Abdul Rafik is Inland Revenue’s Community Compliance Officer based in Auckland. He will answer your queries emailed to

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