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Healthy competition promotes good Soccer

Bula and welcome to the inaugural Radio Apna Fiji Cup 2011 at the Mangere Centre Park in Auckland.

The Mangere Centre Park Sports Association is hosting the Tournament in conjunction with its members Mangere United and NZ Fiji AFC.

As well as setting the field for quality soccer, this Tournament aims to raise funds for Stage Two of the Project, involving floodlights and turf.

We are grateful to Fiji Football Association President Dr Sahu Khan and Auckland Football Chief Executive David Parker for their approval to conduct this Tournament under their sanctions.

Never before have Fijians witnessed a Tournament of this kind in New Zealand.

It would be an experience closest only to the Fiji IDC. The concept, developed over a year ago in the cold, dark and cramped change rooms of Centre Park will now be realised for the benefit of true connoisseurs of football.

It is heartening to see the Fiji District Teams of Ba, Lautoka, Nadi and Suva accepting the challenge to match the four semi-finalists of the NZ IDC in Rewa, Tavua, Lautoka and Nasinu with our new affiliates from Hamilton and Wellington. It is equally heartening to see soccer enthusiasts of the New Zealand- Fijian community embracing the Fiji districts through fan clubs to accommodate and cater for the teams from Fiji.

I am sure healthy competition prevalent in district football will be ignited in New Zealand in good spirits. We thank Apna 990 Managing Director Sahil Shah for dedicating the winning trophy in memory of his father and General Manager Shaiyaz Mohammed for his support.

I wish to acknowledge all those involved in making this a reality. There are too many to name individually but with the excellent and experienced team of football administrators like Kiran Chandra, Satyawan Singh, Maretino Nemani, Shafraz Khan, Mohammed Saheed, Sheik Israr on deck, Tournament Chairman Ayaaz Khan will be very comfortable in staging this big event on our behalf.

Our thanks are due to the Centre Park staff at Auckland Council South for their dedication to get this venue ready on time.

On behalf of all our members and football loving people at Centre Park Mangere, we look forward to catching up with you over the weekend. Tickets are limited and high in demand. I therefore hope that patrons will make the most of this occasion to support a worthy cause by contributing to a sporting facility for the use and enjoyment of our community.

Let Soccer be the winner.

Vinaka and God Bless.

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