Supplied Content
Dr Nick Smith
Wellington, May 15, 2017
Proposed improvements to simplify building fire safety regulations and support their implementation are open for consultation.
We currently have record high levels of commercial and residential construction and this needs to be supported by high quality regulation.
We need systems that deliver safe buildings but also enable the design and construction of buildings to be done at pace. These changes will deliver both safety and efficiency gains.
Discussion Document
This discussion document, ‘Consultation on Fire Safety Proposals,’ is the result of two years of working groups and targeted consultation with stakeholders.
The proposals are aimed at further improving changes made to the Building Code’s Protection from Fire clauses in 2012.
The Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment has received input from the New Zealand Fire Service, the Society of Fire Protection Engineers, building control officials and architects. The ministry has worked with international fire engineering experts to develop these proposals, and this public consultation is the next step in the process.
Consultation closes on July 14, 2017.
For more information and to make a submission visit:
Dr Nick Smith is Building and Construction Minister.