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Monday, May 22, 2017
Aucklanders have a chance to play a part in shaping the future of their local communities and neighbourhoods from today until Friday, June 30, 2017.
Auckland Council’s 21 local boards want feedback on their draft local board plans, which will help guide decisions on local activities and projects.
Triennial Projects
Local Board Plans are developed every three years and the proposed outcomes in them cover everything from local parks and playgrounds, to sports facilities, town centre development, protecting the environment, community events and more.
They also influence how local boards provide input into Auckland Council’s regional strategies and plans, such as the 10-year Budget, and the way in which local boards work with other organisations for the benefit of local communities.
Important partnership
Mayor Phil Goff said that it is important for Aucklanders to have their say about the future of the places where they live.
“It is vital that Aucklanders make their voices heard on the issues that matter to them. I encourage every resident to have your say on how best your 21 Local Boards can serve our communities,” he said.
Auckland Council General Manager of Local Board Services, Karen Lyons, said, “Many of the great things happening in our communities are a result of local people providing their ideas and input. Local Board Plans are designed to reflect each community’s priorities and preferences and all Aucklanders can have their say by going to”
Six Weeks Consultation
During the six-week consultation period, people will be able to find out more and talk with local board members face to face at a series of local meetings.
A list of meeting dates, feedback forms and the full draft local board plans can be found online at
They are also available atlibraries, service centres and local board offices.
After consultation closes on June 30, the local boards will review all feedback and use it to help shape the final local board plans. The final plans will be adopted by October 2017.